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Pacific Partnerships for Health : Charting a New Course   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

PAHs : An Ecotoxicological Perspective  [Ecological & Environmental Toxicology Series] 

 Douben, Peter E. T.




Pain and Disability : Clinical, Behavioral, and Public Policy Perspectives   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Palliative Medicine, 1st ed   


 Saunders, An Imprint of Elsevier


 MD Consult

The Parahippocampal Region : Implications for Neurological and Psychiatric Diseases  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.911] 

 edited by Helen E. Scharfman, Menno P. Witter, and Robert Schwarcz.

 The New York Academy of Sciences



Parasitology  [Lifelines (Taylor & Francis)] 

 Chernin, Jack.

 Taylor & Francis



Parkinson's Disease : the Life Cycle of the Dopamine Neuron  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.991] 

 edited by Howard J. Federoff ... [et al.].

 The New York Academy of Sciences



Parkinson's Disease: Diagnosis and Clinical Management   

 Alberts, Bruce ... [et al.]

 Garland Publishing



Pathogenic mycobacteria in water : a guide to public health consequences, monitoring and management  [Emerging issues in water and infectious disease series] 

 S. Pedley ¡¦ [et al.]

 World Health Organization by IWA Pub



Pathological Gambling : A Critical Review   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Pathology : PreTest Self-assessment and Review   

 Brown, Earl; Nesler, Sara.

 McGraw-Hill Medical Pub. Division



Pathology Education Instructional Resource    

 University of Alabama Birmingham




Pathophysiology : PreTest Self-assessment and Review   

 Mufson, Maurice A.; Heck, Christopher A.; Nesler, Sara M.

 McGraw-Hill Medical Pub. Division



Pathways of Addiction : Opportunities in Drug Abuse Research   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Pathweb (pathology)   

 University of Connecticut




Patient Outcomes Research Teams (PORTS) : Managing Conflict of Interest   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Patient Safety : Achieving a New Standard for Care   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses   

 Lodish, Harvey ... [et al.]

 W. H. Freeman & Co.



Paying Attention to Children in a Changing Health Care System   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Pediatric Cardiology    





Pediatric Critical Care    





Pediatric Dermatology    





Pediatric Developmental and Behavioral    





Pediatric Emergency Manual and its Preface    

 US Air Force




Pediatric Emergency Medicine    





Pediatric Gastrointestinal Imaging and Intervention   

 Stringer, David A.; Babyn, Paul.; Chaite, Peter.

 B.C. Decker



Pediatric Genetics and Metabolic Diseases    





Pediatric Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication / 46ºÐ  [Surgery Videos : Videos of Surgical Procedures] 

 Presbyterian St. Luke's Medical Center




Pediatric Neonatology    





Pediatric Neurology    





Pediatric Orthopaedics    





Pediatric Otolaryngology    





Pediatric Radiology    





Pediatric Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty / 59ºÐ  [Surgery Videos : Videos of Surgical Procedures] 

 Boston Children's Hospital




Pediatric Surgery    





Pediatric Surgery    

 eMedicine -










 eMedicine Medical Textbooks




Peptide Antibiotics : Discovery, Modes of Action, and Applications   

 Dutton, Christopher J.

 Marcel Dekker



Percutaneous Cryoablation / 59ºÐ  [Surgery Videos : Videos of Surgical Procedures] 

 Hartford Hospital




Performance Measurement : Accelerating Improvement   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Perioperative Care   

 Medical Reference




Perioperative Care    

 eMedicine -




Peripheral Arterial Disease : Diagnosis and Treatment  [Contemporary Cardiology (Totowa, N.J. : Unnumbered)] 

 Coffman, Jay D.; Eberhardt, Robert T.

 Humana Press



Personal Protective Measures Against Insects and Other Arthropods of Military Significance    

 Armed Forces Pest Management Board




Personality and Motivational Differences in Persons With Mental Retardation  [LEA Series On Special Education and Disability] 

 Switzky, Harvey N.

 L. Erlbaum



Person-environment Psychology and Mental Health : Assessment and Intervention   

 Martin, William E.

 L. Erlbaum



Perspectives on the Department of Defense Global Emerging Infections Surveillance and Response System : A Program Review   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Phagocytes : Biology, Physiology, Pathology, and Pharmacotherapeutics  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.832] 


 The New York Academy of Sciences



Pharmaceutical and Medical Abbreviations    





Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Applications of Near-infrared Spectroscopy  [Practical Spectroscopy ; V. 31] 

 Ciurczak, Emil W.; Drennen, James K.

 Marcel Dekker



Pharmaceutical Coating Technology   

 Cole, Graham; Aulton, Michael E.; Hogan, John E.

 Taylor & Francis



Pharmaceutical Microbiology   

 Hugo, W. B.

 Blackwell Science



Pharmaceutical Process Scale-up  [Drugs and the Pharmaceutical Sciences ; V.118] 

 Levin, Michael

 Marcel Dekker



Pharmacogenomics : Social, Ethical, and Clinical Dimensions   

 Rothstein, Mark A.




Pharmacokinetics and Drug Interactions in the Elderly and Special Issues in Elderly African-American Populations : Workshop Summary   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Pharmacological Aspects of Nursing Care   

 Reiss, Barry S.; Evans, Mary E.; Broyles, Bonita E.

 Delmar/Thomson Learning



Pharmacology : PreTest Self-assessment and Review   

 Stern, Arnold.

 McGraw-Hill Medical Pub. Division



Pharmacotherapy for Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders  [Medical Psychiatry ; 18] 

 Rosenberg, David R.; Davanzo, Pablo A.,; Gershon, Samuel.

 M. Dekker



The Philosophy of Medicine : Framing the Field  [Philosophy and Medicine ; V. 64] 

 Engelhardt, H. Tristram

 Kluwer Academic



Philosophy of Nursing : A New Vision for Health Care   

 Brencick, Janice M.; Webster, Glenn A.

 State University of New York Press



Physical Activity and Health : A Report of the Surgeon General   


 Jones and Bartlett Publishers



Physical Diagnosis : PreTest Self-assessment and Review  [PreTest Series] 

 Reteguiz, Jo-Ann.; Cornel-Avenda?o, Beverly.

 McGraw-Hill Medical Pub. Division



Physical Exam Study Guides    





Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation   

 eMedicine Medical Textbooks




Physical Medicine    





Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Review   


 National Library of Medicine (US), NCBI



Physician Staffing for the VA : Volume I   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Physician Staffing for the VA : Volume II, Supplementary Papers   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Physiology : PreTest Self-assessment and Review   

 Ryan, James P.; Wang, Michael B.




Plastic Surgery   

 eMedicine Medical Textbooks




Plastic Surgery    

 eMedicine -




Pocket Emergency Paediatric Care   

 Ahmad, Shafique.; Southall, David P.

 BMJ Books



Pocket Guide to Adult HIV/AIDS Treatment 2007   

 Bartlett J. G




Pocket Guide to Terrorism With Ionizing Radiation (PDF format)    

 Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute




Polymeric Biomaterials   

 Dumitriu, Severian

 Marcel Dekker



Polymicrobial Diseases   


 National Library of Medicine (US), NCBI



Population Health and Aging : Strengthening the Dialogue Between Epidemiology and Demography  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.954] 

 edited by Maxine Weinstein, Albert I. Hermalin, and Michael A. Stoto.

 The New York Academy of Sciences



Posterior Lumbar Decompression and Fusion with Instrumentation and Bone Graft / 1½Ã°£4ºÐ  [Surgery Videos : Videos of Surgical Procedures] 

 University of Maryland Medical Center




Posttraumatic Stress Disorder : Diagnosis and Assessment   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Potential Radiation Exposure in Military Operations : Protecting the Soldier Before, During, and After   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Practical Guide to Clinical Medicine    

 University of California San Diego




Practical Guide to the Care of the Medical Patient, 7th   


 Mosby, Inc.


 MD Consult

Practical Nursing Philosophy : The Universal Ethical Code   

 Seedhouse, David.

 John Wiley



Practice of Geriatrics, 4th   


 W. B. Saunders Company


 MD Consult

Prehospital Trauma Care   

 S©ªreide, Eldar; Grande, Christopher M.

 Marcel Dekker



Prenatal Care : Reaching Mothers, Reaching Infants   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Preparing for the Psychological Consequences of Terrorism : A Public Health Strategy   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Preserving Public Trust : Accreditation and Human Research Participant Protection Programs   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Preterm Birth : Causes, Consequences, and Prevention   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Preventing and Mitigating AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa : Research and Data Priorities for the Social and Behavioral Sciences   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Preventing Childhood Obesity : Health in the Balance   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Preventing Drug Abuse : What Do We Know?   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Preventing HIV Infection among Injecting Drug Users in High Risk Countries : An Assessment of the Evidence    


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Preventing HIV Transmission : The Role of Sterile Needles and Bleach   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Preventing Low Birthweight   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Preventing Low Birthweight : Summary   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Preventing Medication Errors : Quality Chasm Series   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Prevention and Treatment of Alcohol Problems : Research Opportunities   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Prevention and Treatment of HIV Infection in Infants and Children  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.918] 

 edited by Arthur J. Ammann and Arye Rubinstein.

 The New York Academy of Sciences



Preventive Strategies for Living in a Chemical World : a Symposium in Honor of Irving J. Selikoff  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.837] 

 edited by Eula Bingham and David P. Rall.

 The New York Academy of Sciences



Primary Care : America's Health in a New Era   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Primary Care Physicians : Financing Their Graduate Medical Education in Ambulatory Settings   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Primary Hematopoietic Cells  [Human Cell Culture ; V. 4] 

 Koller, Manfred R.; Palsson, Bernhard.; Masters, J. R. W.

 Kluwer Academic Publishers



Principles and Practice of Geriatric Psychiatry   

 Copeland, John R. M.; Abou-Saleh, Mohammed T.; Blazer, Dan G.




Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, 3th   


 Churchill Livingstone, An Imprint of Elsevier


 MD Consult

Principles and Practice of Pharmaceutical Medicine   

 Fletcher, Andrew J.




Principles of Computerized Tomographic Imaging    

 Avinash C. Kak, Malcolm Slaney




Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment : A Research Based Guide   

 National Institute on Drug Abuse




Principles of Epidemiology    

 Richard Dicker




The Principles of Humane Experimental Technique   

 Russell, William Moy Stratton; Burch, Rex Leonard

 The Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT)



Priorities in Health   

 Purves, Dale ... [et al.]

 Sinauer Associates, Inc.



Priorities in Health   

 Dean T. Jamison... [et al.].

 IBRD/The World Bank



Priority Areas for National Action : Transforming Health Care Quality   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Privacy Issues in Biomedical and Clinical Research   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Procedure to Treat Chiari Malformation / 1½Ã°£23ºÐ  [Surgery Videos : Videos of Surgical Procedures] 

 Memorial Hermann Children's Hospital




Procedures for Testing Color Vision : Report of Working Group 41   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Proceedings--Workshop on Needle Exchange and Bleach Distribution Programs   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Professional Development : A Guide for General Practice   

 While, Robin.

 Blackwell Science



Professional Development and Management for Therapists : An Introduction   

 Murray, Elizabeth.

 Blackwell Science Inc.



A Profile in Alternative Medicine : The Eclectic Medical College of Cincinnati, 1845-1942   

 Haller, John S.

 Kent State University Press



The Program for Research in Military Nursing : Progress and Future Direction   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Progress in Haematology. 2   

 Pallister, Chris.

 Greenwich Medical Media



Progress in Preventing Childhood Obesity : Focus on Communities - Brief Summary : Institute of Medicine Regional Symposium   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Progress in Preventing Childhood Obesity : Focus on Industry - Brief Summary : Institute of Medicine Regional Symposium   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Progress in Preventing Childhood Obesity : Focus on Schools - Brief Summary : Institute of Medicine Regional Symposium   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Progress in Preventing Childhood Obesity : How Do We Measure Up?   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Promoting Health : Intervention Strategies from Social and Behavioral Research   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Prostacyclin and Its Receptors   

 Wise, Helen.; Jones, Robert L.

 Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers



Prostatectomy Using the da Vinci Robotic System / 1½Ã°£2ºÐ  [Surgery Videos : Videos of Surgical Procedures] 

 Vanderbilt University Medical Center




Protecting Our Forces : Improving Vaccine Acquisition and Availability in the U.S. Military   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Protecting Those Who Serve : Strategies to Protect the Health of Deployed U.S. Forces   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Protective Strategies for Neurodegenerative Diseases  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.1035] 

 edited by Debomoy K. Lahiri.

 The New York Academy of Sciences



Protein Delivery : Physical Systems  [Pharmaceutical Biotechnology ; V. 10] 

 Sanders, Lynda M.; Hendren, R. Wayne.

 Kluwer Academic Pub.



Protein Kinase a and Human Disease  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.968] 

 edited by Constantine A. Stratakis and Yoon S. Cho-Chung.

 The New York Academy of Sciences



Protocols for Neural Cell Culture   

 Fedoroff, Sergey.; Richardson, Arleen.

 Humana Press



Psychiatric Diagnosis and Classification   

 Maj, Mario

 John Wiley



Psychiatric Genetics : Methods and Reviews  [Methods in Molecular Medicine ; 77] 

 Leboyer, Marion.; Bellivier, Frank.

 Humana Press



Psychiatric Secrets   


 Hanley and Belfus


 MD Consult


 eMedicine Medical Textbooks










 Medical Reference




Psychobiology of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.821] 

 edited by Rachel Yehuda and Alexander C. McFarlane.

 The New York Academy of Sciences



Psychological Testing in the Age of Managed Behavioral Health Care   

 Maruish, Mark E.

 L. Erlbaum



Psychophysiology : Human Behavior and Physiological Response   

 Andreassi, John L.

 L. Erlbaum Publishers



Psychosocial and Public Health Impacts of New HIV Therapies  [AIDS Prevention and Mental Health] 

 Ostrow, David G.; Kalichman, Seth C.

 Kluwer Academic



Public Financing and Delivery of HIV/AIDS Care : Securing the Legacy of Ryan White   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Public Health Risks of Disasters : Communication, Infrastructure, and Preparedness -- Workshop Summary   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Public Health Systems and Emerging Infections : Assessing the Capabilities of the Public and Private Sectors : Workshop Summary   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences


 Medical Reference









Purkinje's Vision : The Dawning of Neuroscience   

 Wade, Nicholas.; Brozek, Josef.; Hoskovec, Jir?.

 Lawrence Erlbaum



Put Prevention into Practice    





Quality Assurance in Dialysis  [Developments in Nephrology ; V. 39] 

 Henderson, L. W.

 Kluwer Academic Publishers



Quality Management Review  [Delmar's Exam Review Series] 

 Dowd, Steven B.; Tilson, Elwin R.; Carlton, Richard R.




Quality of Life From Nursing and Patient Perspectives : Theory, Research, Practice   

 King, Cynthia R.

 Jones and Bartlett



Quality, Evidence and Effectiveness in Health Promotion : Striving for Certainties   

 Davies, John K.; MacDonald, Gordon




Radiation in Medicine : A Need for Regulatory Reform   

 Gottfried, Kate-Louise D.; Penn, Gary.

 National Academy Press



Radiology for Anaesthesia and Intensive Care   

 Hopkins, Richard.; Peden, Carol.; Gandhi, Sanjay.




Radiology Made Easy   

 Banerjee, Arpan K.

 Greenwich Medical Media



Rational Therapeutics for Infants and Children : Workshop Summary  [Compass Series (Washington, D.C.)] 

 Yaffe, Sumner J.; Estabrook, Ronald W.

 National Academy Press



Rehabilitation Studies Handbook   

 Wilson, Barbara A.

 Cambridge University Press



Religious Therapeutics : Body and Health in Yoga, Ayurveda, and Tantra  [SUNY Series in Religious Studies] 

 Fields, Gregory P.

 State University of New York



Replacement of Renal Function By Dialysis   

 Jacobs, Claude.

 Kluwer Academic



Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility : Current Trends and Developments   

 Tan, S. L.; Tulandi, T.

 Marcel Dekker



Research for Nurses : Methods and Interpretation   

 Gillis, Angela.; Jackson, Winston.

 F.A. Davis Co.



Research Methods in Clinical Psychology : An Introduction for Students and Practitioners   

 Barker, Chris.; Pistrang, Nancy.; Elliott, Robert,

 J. Wiley



Resistance Training Instruction   

 Aaberg, Everett.

 Human Kinetics




 Factor, Stewart A. ... [et al.]

 Demos Medical Publishing, Inc.



Reversing Gum Disease Naturally : A Holistic Home Care Program   

 Senzon, Sandra.

 J. Wiley & Sons



Role of Proteases in the Pathophysiology of Neurodegenerative Diseases   

 Lajtha, Abel.; Banik, Naren L.

 Kluwer Academic Publishers



RSP Funding for Nursing Students and Nurses, 2002-2004   

 Schlachter, Gail A.; Weber, R. David

 Reference Service Press

