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An Introduction to Epilepsy   

 Bromfield, Edward B.; Cavazos, Jose E




An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry : How Drugs Act and Why   

 Gringauz, Alex.




An Introduction to Tissue-biomaterial Interactions   

 Dee, Kay C.; Puleo, David A.; Bizios, Rena.




An Introductory Guide to Disease Mapping   

 Lawson, Andrew.; Williams, Fiona.

 John Wiley



Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation    





Image Atlas    





Image Bank    

 American Society of Hematology




Image Guidance Assisted Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery / 1½Ã°£4ºÐ  [Surgery Videos : Videos of Surgical Procedures] 

 Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center




Image Processing Techniques for Tumor Detection   

 Strickland, Robin N.

 Marcel Dekker



Images from Anatomia Universa    





Imaging Brain Structure and Function : Emerging Technologies in the Neurosciences  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.820] 

 edited by David S. Lester, Christian C. Felder, and E. Neil Lewis.

 The New York Academy of Sciences



Imaging of Diffuse Lung Disease   

 Lynch, David A.; Newell, John D.; Lee, Jin Seong.

 B.C. Decker



Imidazoline Receptors and Their Endogenous Ligands : Current Concepts and Therapeutic Potential  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.881] 

 edited by Manfred G?hert, Gerhard J. Molderings, and Donald J. Reis.

 The New York Academy of Sciences



Imitators of Epilepsy   


 National Library of Medicine (US)



Immune Mechanisms and Disease  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.987] 

 edited by Nicholas Chiorazzi ... [et al.].

 The New York Academy of Sciences



Immune Mechanisms of Pain and Analgesia  [Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology ; V. 521] 

 Machelska, Halina.; Stein, Christoph

 Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers



Immunization Safety Review : Hepatitis B Vaccine and Demyelinating Neurological Disorders   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Immunization Safety Review : Influenza Vaccines and Neurological Complications   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Immunization Safety Review : Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine and Autism   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Immunization Safety Review : Multiple Immunizations and Immune Dysfunction   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Immunization Safety Review : Thimerosal - Containing Vaccines and Neurodevelopmental Disorders   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Immunization Safety Review : Vaccinations and Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Immunization Safety Review : Vaccines and Autism   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Immunization Safety Review : SV40 Contamination of Polio Vaccine and Cancer   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences


 Mobley, Harry L.T.; Mendz, George L.; Hazell, Stuart L., editors

 ASM Press



Immunologic Diseases of the Ear  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.830] 

 edited by Joel M. Bernstein ... [et al.].

 The New York Academy of Sciences




 University of Cambridge




Immunology : Understanding the Immune System   

 Elgert, Klaus D.




Immunology and Evolution of Infectious Disease   

 Tan, Seng-Lai,

 Horizon Bioscience



Immunology of Diabetes : Autoimmune Mechanisms and the Prevention and Cure of Type 1 Diabetes  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.958] 

 edited by C.B. Sanjeevi.

 The New York Academy of Sciences



Immunology of Diabetes II : Pathogenesis From Mouse to Man  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.1005] 

 edited by C.B. Sanjeevi and G.S. Eisenbarth.

 The New York Academy of Sciences



Immunology of Diabetes III  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.1037] 

 edited by Carani B. Sanjeevi and Edwin A.M. Gale.

 The New York Academy of Sciences



Immunotherapy for Infectious Diseases  [Infectious Disease (Totowa, N.J.)] 

 Jacobson, Jeffrey M.

 Humana Press



Impact of Ecological Changes on Tropical Animal Health and Disease Control  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.1026] 

 edited by Bob H. Bokma, Edmour Blouin, Gerv?io Henrique Bechara.

 The New York Academy of Sciences



The Impact of Globalization on Infectious Disease Emergence and Control : Exploring the Consequences and Opportunities, Workshop Summary - Forum on Microbial Threats   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Imperforate Anus Pull-Through Procedure / 1½Ã°£16ºÐ  [Surgery Videos : Videos of Surgical Procedures] 

 Presbyterian St. Luke's Medical Center




Implants in Clinical Dentistry   

 Palmer, Richard M.

 Distributed in the U.S. and Canada by Thieme



On Implementing a National Graduate Medical Education Trust Fund   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Implementing Cancer Survivorship Care Planning   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Implications of Genomics for Public Health : Workshop Summary   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

To Improve Human Health : A History of the Institute of Medicine   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Improving America's Diet and Health : From Recommendations to Action   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Improving Birth Outcomes : Meeting the Challenge in the Developing World   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Improving Breast Imaging Quality Standards   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Improving Consensus Development for Health Technology Assessment : An International Perspective   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Improving Health in the Community : A Role for Performance Monitoring   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Improving Medical Education : Enhancing the Behavioral and Social Science Content of Medical School Curricula   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Improving Palliative Care : We Can Take Better Care of People With Cancer   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Improving Palliative Care for Cancer   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Improving Palliative Care for Cancer : Summary and Recommendations   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Improving Palliative Care for Cancer    

 Kathleen M. Foley and Hellen Gelband

  National Academies Press



Improving Racial and Ethnic Data on Health : Report of a Workshop   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Improving the Medicare Market : Adding Choice and Protections   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Improving the Quality of Long-Term Care   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Improving the Quality of Care in Nursing Homes   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Improving the Quality of Health Care for Mental and Substance-Use Conditions : Quality Chasm Series   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

In Vivo Body Composition Studies  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.904] 

 edited by Seiichi Yasumura, Jack Wang, and Richard N. Pierson, Jr.

 The New York Academy of Sciences



Increasing Healthy Life Span : Conventional Measures and Slowing the Innate Aging Process  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.959] 

 edited by Denham Harman.

 The New York Academy of Sciences



Independent Duty Medical Technician Medical and Dental Treatment Protocols (PDF format)    

 US Air Force




Independent Duty Medical Technician Medical and Dental Treatment Protocols (PDF format)    

 US Air Force




Individual Preparedness and Response to Chemical, Radiological, Nuclear, and Biological Terrorist Attacks   





Indoor Allergens : Assessing and Controlling Adverse Health Effects   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Indwelling Neural Implants: Strategies for Contending with the In Vivo Environment - Frontiers in Neuroengineering Series   

 History of Medicine Division

 National Library of Medicine (US)



Infant Formula : Evaluating the Safety of New Ingredients   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Infection Management for Geriatrics in Long-term Care Facilities   

 Yoshikawa, Thomas T.; Ouslander, Joseph G.

 Marcel Dekker



Infectious Diseases    





Infectious Diseases   

 Medical Reference




Infectious Diseases in an Age of Change : The Impact of Human Ecology and Behavior on Disease Transmission    


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

The Infectious Etiology of Chronic Diseases : Defining the Relationship, Enhancing the Research, and Mitigating the Effects -- Workshop Summary   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Inflammation and Immunity  [Critical Care Focus Series ; 10] 

 Galley, Helen F.

 BMJ Books



The Inflammation Syndrome : The Complete Nutritional Program to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, Arthritis, Diabetes, Allergies and Asthma   

 Challem, Jack.

 J. Wiley



Inflammatory Atherosclerosis: Characteristics of the Injurious Agent   

 Strachan, Tom ... [et al.]

 BIOS Scientific Publishers Ltd



Inflammatory Diseases of Blood Vessels   

 Hoffman, Gary S.; Weyand, Cornelia M.

 Marcel Dekker



Influenza 2006 - A Medical Textbook   

 Kamps, Hoffmann, Preiser

 Flying Publisher



Information for Women about the Safety of Silicone Breast Implants   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Information Trading : How Information Influences the Health Policy Process   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Inhaled Steroids in Asthma : Optimizing Effects in the Airways  [Lung Biology in Health and Disease ; V. 163] 

 Schleimer, Robert P.

 M. Dekker



Inhibition of Matrix Metalloproteinases Therapeutic Applications  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.878] 

 edited by Robert A. Greenwald, Stanley Zucker, and Lorne M. Golub.

 The New York Academy of Sciences



Initial Management of Injuries : An Evidenced Based Approach   

 Sing, Ronald F.; Reilly, Patrick M.; Messick, W. Joseph.

 BMJ Books



Initial Management of Irradiated or Radioactively Contaminated Personnel (PDF format)    





The Injury fact book 2001-2002   

 National Center for Injury Prevention and Control ; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

 Dept. of Health and Human Services



Injury in America : A Continuing Public Health Problem   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Innovation and Invention in Medical Devices : Workshop Summary   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Innovation in the Pharmaceutical Industry : The Process of Drug Discovery and Development   

 Hara, Takuji.

 Edward Elgar



Innovations in Health and Medicine : Diffusion and Resistance in the Twentieth Century   

 Stanton, Jennifer.




Innovative In Vitro Fertilization Techniques / 1½Ã°£10ºÐ  [Surgery Videos : Videos of Surgical Procedures] 

 Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center




In-patient Child Psychiatry : Modern Practice, Research and the Future   

 Green, Jonathan; Jacobs, Brian




The Insider's Guide to Medical School Admissions   

 Toyos, Rolando Stephen.

 Career Press



Instant Anatomy    





Insulin & Related Proteins : Structure to Function and Pharmacology   

 Dieken, Markus Leyck.; Federwisch, Matthias.; De Meyts, Pierre.; Wollmer, Axel

 Kluwer Academic Publishers



Insulin Therapy   

 Leahy, Jack L.; Cefalu, William T.

 Marcel Dekker



Insuring America's Health : Principles and Recommendations   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Integrated Biomaterials Science   

 Barbucci, Rolando.

 Kluwer Academic/Plenum



Integrated Drug Discovery Technologies   

 Mei, Houng-Yau,; Czarnik, Anthony W.,

 Marcel Dekker



Integrated Microfabricated Biodevices : Advanced Technologies for Genomics, Drug Discovery, Bioanalysis, and Clinical Diagnostics   

 Heller, Michael J.; Guttman, Andr?s.

 Marcel Dekker



Integrating Employee Health : A Model Program for NASA   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Integration of Pharmaceutical Discovery and Development : Case Histories  [Pharmaceutical Biotechnology ; V. 11] 

 Borchardt, Ronald T.

 Kluwer Academic Publishers



Integrative Medicine, 2nd   


 Saunders, An Imprint of Elsevier


 MD Consult

The Integrative Neurobiology of Affiliation  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.807] 

 edited by C. Sue Carter, I. Izja Lederhendler, and Brian Kirkpatrick.

 The New York Academy of Sciences



The Intensive Care Manual   

 Apostolakos, Michael J.; Papadakos, Peter.

 McGraw-Hill Medical Publishing Division



Interactions of Drugs, Biologics, and Chemicals in U.S. Military Forces   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Interactive Atlas of Whole Body Cross-Sectional Anatomy    

 Campus Medicae-Anatomy




Interactive Pathology Laboratory    

 Peter Anderson




Internal Medicine   

 eMedicine Medical Textbooks




Internal Medicine   





International Child Health Care : A Practical Manual for Hospitals Worldwide   

 Southall, David P.

 BMJ Books



ICD-9 CM   





International classification of diseases, 9th revision, clinical modification ICD-9-CM.    





International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria    

 Kaplan, Peter W. ... [et al.]

 Demos Medical Publishing, Inc.



ICD-10 Version for 2003   


 World Health Organization



International Travel and Health    





Internet Access to the National Library of Medicine's Toxicology and Environmental Health Databases   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Internet Mental Health    





Interpreting the Volume-Outcome Relationship in the Context of Cancer Care   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Intestinal Plasticity in Health and Disease  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.859] 

 edited by Bertram Wiedenmann ... [et al.].

 The New York Academy of Sciences



The Intolerable Burden of Malaria - A Collection from the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene   

 Breman, Joel G.; Alilio, Martin S

 CRC Press



Intraperitoneal Hyperthermic Chemotherapy : for Peritoneal Cacrinomatosis / 1½Ã°£3ºÐ  [Surgery Videos : Videos of Surgical Procedures] 

 Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center




Introduction to Bioengineering  [Advanced Series in Biomechanics ; Vol. 2] 

 Fung, Y. C.; Chien, Shu.

 World Scientific



Introduction to Evidence-Based Medicine    

 University of North Carolina




Introduction to Genetic Analysis   

 Janeway, Charles A. ... [et al.]

 Garland Publishing



Introduction to Imaging    





Introduction to Medical Informatics    

 Columbia University




Introduction to the Anatomy and Physiology of Children   

 MacGregor, Janet.




Introduction to the Practice of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy   

 Lemma, Alessandra.

 John Wiley & Sons



Iowa Neonatology Handbook    

 University of Iowa




Is Soccer Bad for Children's Heads? : Summary of the IOM Workshop on Neuropsychological Consequences of Head Impact in Youth Soccer   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Isotopes for Medicine and the Life Sciences   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Issues in Physical Education  [Issues in Subject Teaching] 

 Capel, Susan Anne; Piotrowski, Susan


