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1st Annual Crossing the Quality Chasm Summit : A Focus on Communities   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

ABC of AIDS   

 Adler, Michael W.

 BMJ Books



ABC of Clinical Electrocardiography   

 Morris, Francis.




ABC of Clinical Genetics   

 Kingston, Helen M.

 BMJ Books



ABC of Clinical Haematology   

 Provan, Andrew.




ABC of Colorectal Cancer   

 Kerr, David; Young, Annie M.; Hobbs, Richard

 BMJ Books



ABC of Diabetes   

 Watkins, Peter J.

 BMJ Pub. Group Ltd.



ABC of Psychological Medicine   

 Mayou, Richard.; Sharpe, Michael.; Carson, Alan.

 BMJ Books



ABC of Spinal Cord Injury   

 Grundy, David; Swain, Andrew.




ABC of the First Year   

 Valman, H. B.; Thomas, Roslyn.

 BMJ Books



Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Procedure / 1½Ã°£10ºÐ  [Surgery Videos : Videos of Surgical Procedures] 

 Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital




Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair / 1½Ã°£17ºÐ  [Surgery Videos : Videos of Surgical Procedures] 

 Brigham and Women's Hospital




Abdominal Myomectomy Surgical Treatment to Remove Uterine Fibroids / 1½Ã°£4ºÐ  [Surgery Videos : Videos of Surgical Procedures] 

 Long Island College Hospital




Academic Health Centers : Leading Change in the 21st Century   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Access to Health Care in America    


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Acute Medical Emergencies : The Practical Approach   


 BMJ Books



Acute Myocardial Infarction : Setting Priorities for Effectiveness Research   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Adequacy of the Comprehensive Clinical Evaluation Program : A Focused Assessment   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Adequacy of the Comprehensive Clinical Evaluation Program : Nerve Agents   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Adequacy of the VA Persian Gulf Registry and Uniform Case Assessment Protocol   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Adipose Tissue  [Medical Intelligence Unit ; 27] 

 Klaus, Susanne




Adolescent Brain Development : Vulnerabilities and Opportunities  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.1021] 

 editors, Ronald E. Dahl and Linda Patia Spear.

 The New York Academy of Sciences



Adolescent Development & the Biology of Puberty : Summary of a Workshop On New Research   


 National Academy Press



Adolescent Development and the Biology of Puberty : Summary of a Workshop on New Research   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Adolescent Gynecology and Endocrinology : Basic and Clinical Aspects  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.816] 

 edited by George Creatsas, George Mastorakos, and George P. Chrousos.

 The New York Academy of Sciences



Adolescent Nutritional Disorders : Prevention and Treatment  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.817] 

 edited by Marc S. Jacobson ... [et al.].

 The New York Academy of Sciences



Adopting New Medical Technology    


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Adult Attachment and Couple Psychotherapy : The 'Secure Base' in Practice and Research   

 Clulow, Christopher F.




Adult Attention Deficit Disorder : Brain Mechanisms and Life Outcomes  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.931] 

 edited by Jeanette Wassertein, Lorraine E. Wolf, and F. Frank LeFever.

 The New York Academy of Sciences



Advanced Abnormal Child Psychology   

 Hersen, Michel.

 Lawrence Erlbaum Associates



Advanced Membrane Technology  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.984] 

 edited by Norman N. Li ... [et al.].

 The New York Academy of Sciences



Advanced Nursing Skills : Principles and Practice   

 Courtenay, Molly.

 Greenwich Medical Media LTD



Advanced Therapy in Cardiac Surgery   

 Franco, Kenneth L.; Verrier, Edward D.

 B.C. Decker



Advanced Therapy in Thoracic Surgery   

 Franco, Kenneth L.; Putnam, J. B.

 B.C. Decker



Advanced Therapy of Breast Disease   

 Singletary, S. Eva.; Robb, Geoffrey L.; Ames, Frederick C.

 B.C. Decker



Advances in Optical Biopsy and Optical Mammographya  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.838] 

 edited by Robert R. Alfano.

 The New York Academy of Sciences



Advances in Patient Safety: From Research to Implementation   

 Koonin, Eugene V. ... [et al.]

 Kluwer Academic Publishers



Advances in Photoreception : Proceedings of a Symposium on Frontiers of Visual Science   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Advances in Serotonin Receptor Research : Molecular Biology, Signal Transduction, and Therapeutics  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.861] 

 edited by Graeme R. Martin ... [et al.].

 The New York Academy of Sciences



Advances in Understanding Genetic Changes in Cancer : Impact on Diagnosis and Treatment Decisions in the 1990s    


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Advancing From the Ventral Striatum To the Extended Amygdala : Implications for Neuropsychiatry and Drug Abuse  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.877] 

 edited by Jacqueline F. McGinty.

 The New York Academy of Sciences



Advancing Prion Science : Guidance for the National Prion Research Program   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Advancing Prion Science : Guidance for the National Prion Research Program -- Interim Report   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Advancing the Nation's Health Needs : NIH Research Training Programs   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Adverse Effects of Pertussis and Rubella Vaccines   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Adverse Events Associated with Childhood Vaccines : Evidence Bearing on Casuality   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Adverse Reproductive Outcomes in Families of Atomic Veterans : The Feasibility of Epidemiologic Studies   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Age-related Macular Degeneration   

 Lim, Jennifer I.,

 Marcel Dekker



The Aging Mind : Opportunities in Cognitive Research   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

The Aging Population in the Twenty-First Century : Statistics for Health Policy   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Aging, Communication, and Health : Linking Research and Practice for Successful Aging  [LEA's Communication Series] 

 Hummert, Mary Lee.; Nussbaum, Jon F.

 L. Erlbaum



Agmatine and Imidazolines : Their Novel Receptors and Enzymes  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.1009] 

 edited by John E. Piletz, Soundar Regunathan, and Paul Ernsberger.

 The New York Academy of Sciences



AHFS Consumer Medication Information   

 Vakatov, Denis ... [et al.]

 National Library of Medicine (US), NCBI



AIDS : The Second Decade   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

AIDS and Behavior : An Integrated Approach   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

AIDS Knowledge Base    

 University of California San Francisco




The AIDS Research Program of the National Institutes of Health   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

AIDS Vaccine Research   

 Wong-Staal, Flossie.; Gallo, Robert C.

 Marcel Dekker



AIDS, Drugs and Prevention : Perspectives On Individual and Community Action   

 Rhodes, Tim.; Hartnoll, Richard.




AIDS, Sexual Behavior, and Intravenous Drug Use   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

The Alan E. Lindsay ECG learning center in cyberspace   

 Yanowitz, Frank G.

 University of Utah School of Medicine



Alcohol and Wine in Health and Disease  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.957] 

 edited by Dipak K. Das and Fulvio Ursini.

 The New York Academy of Sciences



Alcohol in America : Taking Action to Prevent Abuse   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Alcoholism and Women  [Recent Developments in Alcoholism ; V. 12] 

 Galanter, Marc.

 Kluwer Academic Pub.



Allergies  [Twenty-first Century Medical Library] 

 Moragne, Wendy.

 Twenty-First Century Books



The Allergy and Asthma Cure : A Complete 8-step Nutritional Program   

 Pescatore, Fred.




Allergy and Immunology    





Allied Health Services : Avoiding Crises   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Alternative Medicine and Rehabilitation: A Guide for Practitioners   

 Wainapel, Stanley F. ... [et al.]




Alzheimer's Disease : a Compendium of Current Theories  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.924] 

 edited by Zaven S. Khachaturian and M.-Marsel Mesulam.

 The New York Academy of Sciences



Alzheimer's Disease : Methods and Protocols  [Methods in Molecular Medicine ; 32] 

 Hooper, N. M.

 Humana Press



Alzheimer's Disease : Vascular Etiology and Pathology  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.977] 

 edited by Jack C. de la Torre ... [et al.].

 The New York Academy of Sciences



Amedeo Challenge The Free Medical Book Project   

 Attilio Baghino

 Flying Publisher



The American Dietetic Association Complete Food and Nutrition Guide   

 Duyff, Roberta Larson.

 John Wiley & Sons



American Dietetic Association Guide to Better Digestion   

 Bonci, Leslie.

 J. Wiley & Sons



America's Children : Health Insurance and Access to Care   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

America's Health Care Safety Net : Intact but Endangered   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

America's Vital Interest in Global Health : Protecting Our People, Enhancing Our Economy, and Advancing Our International Interests   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

The Amygdala in Brain Function : Basic and Clinical Approaches  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.985] 

 edited by Patricia Shinnick-Gallagher ... [et al.].

 The New York Academy of Sciences



Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in Veterans : Review of the Scientific Literature   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

An Analysis of Marijuana Policy    


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences






Anatomy of First Aid - A Case Study Approach   

 Ronald A. Bergman, Michelle Leveille, Nola J. Riley

 University of Iowa



Anatomy of the Head and Neck    

 Tufts University




Anatomy Wiz    

 Bridgeport Hospital




Angiogenesis Inhibitors and Stimulators : Potential Therapeutic Implications  [Medical Intelligence Unit ; 20] 

 Mousa, Shaker A.

 Landes Bioscience ;



Animal Models of Cognitive Impairment   

 Edward D. Levin and Jerry J. Buccafusco

 CRC Press



Annual Reviews Collection [Internet]. : Twelve articles reproduced from the Annual Reviews Series   

 Nixdorf-Bergweiler, Barbara E




The Anthrax Vaccine : Is It Safe? Does It Work?   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Antibiotic Guide    

 Johns Hopkins




Antibiotic Resistance and Infection Control  [Critical Care Focus Series ; 5] 

 Galley, Helen F.

 BMJ Books



Antibody Phage Display : Methods and Protocols  [Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.) ; V. 178] 

 O'Brien, Philippa M.; Aitken, Robert

 Humana Press



Anticancer Molecules : Structure, Function, and Design  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.886] 

 edited by Hiroshi Maruta.

 The New York Academy of Sciences



Antimicrobial Resistance : Issues and Options   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Antimicrobial Resistance : Issues and Options : Workshop Report   

 Harrison, Polly F.; Lederberg, Joshua.

 National Academy Press



Antiretroviral Resistance in Clinical Practice   

 Henriksen, Kerm; Battles, James B.; Marks, Eric S.; Lewin, David I.,

 Agency for Healthcare Research and Qualtiy



Anti-tuberculosis drug resistance in the world    





Aortic Root Enlargement with Valve Replacement / 1½Ã°£4ºÐ  [Surgery Videos : Videos of Surgical Procedures] 

 Sequoia Hospital




Aortic Valve Replacement with Third Generation Stented Bioprosthesis / 1½Ã°£2ºÐ  [Surgery Videos : Videos of Surgical Procedures] 

 Texas Heart Institute at St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital




Apoptosis From Signaling Pathways To Therapeutic Tools  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.1010] 

 edited by Marc Diederich.

 The New York Academy of Sciences



The Applications of Bioinformatics in Cancer Detection  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.1020] 

 edited by Asad Umar, Izet Kapetanovic, and Javed Khan.

 The New York Academy of Sciences



Applied Molecular Biology Begining Laboratory Manual   

 Julie B. Wolf

 University of Maryland



Approaching Death : Improving Care at the End of Life   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Approved Lists of Bacterial Names   

 American Society of Health-System Pharmacists

 American Society of Health-System Pharmacists



The Arctic Aeromedical Laboratory's Thyroid Function Study : A Radiological Risk and Ethical Analysis    


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Arrhythmias of the Heart / 59ºÐ  [Surgery Videos : Videos of Surgical Procedures] 

 Piedmont Hospital




Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair / 55ºÐ  [Surgery Videos : Videos of Surgical Procedures] 

 Hartford Hospital




Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair / 56ºÐ  [Surgery Videos : Videos of Surgical Procedures] 

 Methodist University Hospital




The Artificial Heart : Prototypes, Policies, and Patients   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

The Artificial Lung  [Tissue Engineering Intelligence Unit ; 7] 

 Vaslef, Steven N.; Anderson, Robert W.

 Landes Bioscience ;



Asbestos : Selected Cancers    


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

A©¬ Metabolism and Alzheimer's Disease  [Neuroscience Intelligence Unit ; 7] 

 Saido, Takaomi Comings.

 Eurekah.com / Landes Bioscience



Assessing Fitness for Military Enlistment : Physical, Medical, and Mental Health Standards   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Assessing Health Care Reform    


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Assessing Medical Technologies    


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Assessing the Human Health Risks of Trichloroethylene : Key Scientific Issues   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Assessing the Quality of Cancer Care : An Approach to Measurement in Georgia   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Assessment of Diagnostic Technology in Health Care : Rationale, Methods, Problems, and Directions   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Assessment of Future Scientific Needs for Live Variola Virus   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Assessment of Language Disorders in Children   

 McCauley, Rebecca Joan.

 Lawrence Erlbaum Associates



Assessment of NIH Minority Research and Training Programs : Phase 3   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Assessment of Performance Measures for Public Health, Substance Abuse, and Mental Health   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

An Assessment of the CDC Anthrax Vaccine Safety and Efficacy Research Program   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

An Assessment of the NIH Women's Health Initiative   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Assuring Data Quality and Validity in Clinical Trials for Regulatory Decision Making : Workshop Report    


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Astrodynamics, Space Missions, and Chaos  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.1017] 

 edited by Edward Belbruno, David Folta, and Pini Gurfil.

 The New York Academy of Sciences



Astrophysical Turbulence and Convection  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.898] 


 The New York Academy of Sciences



Atherosclerosis Iv : Recent Advances in Atherosclerosis Research  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.811] 

 edited by Fujio Numano and Russell Ross.

 The New York Academy of Sciences



Atherosclerosis V the Fifth Saratoga International Conference  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.902] 

 edited by Fujio Numano and Michael A. Gimbrone, Jr.

 The New York Academy of Sciences



Atherosclerosis VI : the Sixth Saratoga International Conference  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.947] 

 edited by Fujio Numano and Michael A. Gimbrone, Jr.

 The New York Academy of Sciences



Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology   

 Editor: Jean-Loup Huret

 CHU Poitiers



Atlas of Brain Perfusion SPECT    

 Holman BL, Garada BM, Chandak BK




Atlas of Dermatology    

 Loyola University




Atlas of Diseases of the Kidney   

 Robert W. Schrier

 University of Colorado School of Medicine

 1999 -


Atlas of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy    

 David M. Martin, Ralph C. Lyons

 Atlanta South Gastroenterology



Atlas of Histology    

 University of Illinois




Atlas of Human Anatomy    

 Carl Ernest Bock. Translated by Ronald A. Bergman and Adel K. Afifi.




Atlas of Human Anatomy in Cross Section    

 Ronald A. Bergman, Adel K. Afifi, Jean J. Jew, Paul C. Reimann

 University of Iowa



Atlas of Human Malaria    

 Giovanni Swierczynski, Maria Gobbo




Atlas of Medical Parasitology    

 University of Torino




Atlas of Microscopic Anatomy    

 Anatomy Atlases




Atlas of Radiological Anatomy    

 University of Warsaw




Atlases of the Brain    

 University of Utah




Atopic Dermatitis   

 Bieber, Thomas,; Leung, Donald Y. M.,

 Marcel Dekker



Attention Deficit Disorder  [Millbrook Medical Library] 

 Moragne, Wendy.

 Millbrook Press



(NAS Colloquium) Auditory Neuroscience   


 National Academy of Sciences


 National Academy of Sciences

Auditory Sound Transmission : An Autobiographical Perspective   

 Zwislocki, Jozef J.

 Lawrence Erlbaum Associates



Autism, Art, and Children : The Stories We Draw   

 Kellman, Julia.

 Bergin & Garvey



The Autoimmune Connection : Essential Information for Women On Diagnosis, Treatment, and Getting On With Life   

 Baron-Faust, Rita.; Buyon, Jill P.

 Contemporary Books



Autoimmune Diseases and Treatment : Organ-Specific and Systemic Disorders  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.1051] 

 edited by Yehuda Shoenfeld and M. Eric Gershwin.

 The New York Academy of Sciences



Autoimmunity : Concepts and Diagnosis at the Cutting Edge  [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; V.1050] 

 edited by M. Eric Gershwin and Yehuda Shoenfeld.

 The New York Academy of Sciences



Awakening Your Sexuality : A Guide for Recovering Women   

 Covington, Stephanie.

 Hazelden Information & Educational Services

