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Bilateral Abducens Neuromyotonia

 Luis H Ospina, Nipat AuiAree, Duncan P Anderson




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

Capsule staining and mature cataracts : a comparison of indocyanine green and trypan blue dyes

 DF Chang




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

A case report of pulsating exophthalmos

 Debendra Sahu, Nick Maycock, Adam Booth




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

Dipetalonema Reconditum in the human eye

 T Huynh, J Thean, R Maini




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

Dissection of the Trabeculectomy Bleb Pocket using a Novel Dissecting Instrument

 Eytan Z. Blumenthal




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

Dynamic Ultrasound Movements of the Eye and Orbit

 Julian PS Garcia Jr, Patricia MT Garcia, Paul T Finger




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

Endoscopy to aid anterior segment surgery

 Moore JE and Sharma A




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

Evaluation of leukocyte dynamics in mouse retinal circulation with scanning laser ophthalmoloscopy

 Heping Xu, A Manivannan, G Daniels, J Liversidge, PF Sharp, JV Forrester, IJ Crane




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

Excision of subcutaneous Dirofilariasis of the eyelid

 D Mallick and TP Ittyerah




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

Feeder Vessel Treatment with High Speed ICG Angiography

 Stanescu-Segall D, Coscas G, Coscas F and Soubrane G




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

Giant pleomorphic adenoma of the lacrimal gland : pre- and post-operative function

 Ajay Jain, Vikas Inder Nehru, Uma Nahar Saikia, C Ekambar Eshwara Reddy




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

IBimanual irrigation and aspiration with no instrument exchange

 YC Lee, Mun-Wai Lee




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

An Intraocular Steroid Delivery System for Cataract Surgery

 DF Chang




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

Intrusion of an encircling band with recurrent retinal detachment: surgical approach

 E Doyle, I Georgalas, Paul Sullivan, DAH Laidlaw




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

Iris Cerclage Suture Technique for Traumatic Mydriasis

 LE Fern?ndez de Castro, HP Sandoval, KD Solomon, DT Vroman




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

Lamellar keratoplasty and intracorneal inlay : An alternative to corneal tattooing and contact lenses for disfiguring corneal scars

 Hollick EJ,Coombes A, Perez-Santonja JJ, Dart JKG




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

Laser Photocoagulation for Posterior Segment Intraocular Parasites

 Tisha Prabriputaloong and Somkiat Asawaphureekorn




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

Light to dark physiological variation in irido-trabecular angle width

 Gus Gazzard, Paul J Foster, D.S. Friedman, Peng T Khaw, Steve KL Seah




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

Limbal-sparing lamellar keratoplasty

 Stephanie L Watson, Saaeha Rauz, John Dart




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

Magnet-assisted pars plana vitrectomy for giant metallic intraocular foreign body

 Rodrigo Jorge, Rog?rio A. Costa, JarbasC. Castro, Rubens C. Siqueira




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

Marin-Amat Syndrome

 A Jogiya and C Sandy




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

The Nuclear Slide : A Novel Approach for Unleashing the Potential of the Hydrodissection Wave

 Ayman Naseri




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

Ocular motor apraxia

 Thein N Win, David E Laws




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

Ocular Onchocerciasis : Anterior Chamber Microfilariae

 William J Flynn and Harold D Dillon




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

Pearls for Implanting the Staar Toric IOL

 DF Chang




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

Penetrating ocular injury due to a fish hook : Surgical removal

 Chen SDM, Chiu D, Patel CK




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

The presenting features of multiple sclerosis

 Victoria JM Barrett, James Walker, and John S Elton




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

Reconstruction of the Ocular Surface in LOGIC Syndrome

 J E Moore, V Kumar, J R Ainsworth, S Shah




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

Removal of Dirofilarial worm from the subconjunctival space

 Debjoy Mallik, Suman Alexander




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

Retinal Ganglion Cell Axon Response to Guidance Molecules

 SF Oster and DW Sretavan




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Subconjunctival Dirofilariasis

 G Singh, K Myint, P Sathyain, S Mon, R Manikandan, B Dhillon




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

Surgical revision of leaking filtering blebs with an autologous conjunctival graft

 K Taherian, A Azuara-Blanco




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

Suture of a Subluxated Posterior Chamber Lens within the Capsular Bag

 Luis E Fern?ndez de Castro and Kerry D Solomon




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

A suture technique to manage a case of severe early flap displacement after laser in situ eratomileusis

 L Spadea, P Pantaleoni, G Bianco




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

Thixotropy : a novel explanation for the cause of lagophthalmos after peripheral facial nerve palsy

 M Aramideh, JHTM Koelman, PP Devriese, F VanderWerf, JD Speelman




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

Triamcinolone acetonide-assisted Epiretinal Membrane Peeling

 Chen SDM, Patel CK




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

Triamcinolone-assisted removal of the posterior hyaloid to repair retinal detachment due to macular hole in high myopia

 Akifumi Ueno, Hiroshi Enaida, Yasuaki Hata, Takao Nakamura, Toshio Hisatomi, Kimihiko Fujisawa, Toshiaki Kubota,Taiji Sakamoto, Tatsuro Ishibashi




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

Zero Phaco Microincision Cataract Surgery : The Hacc Technique

 Vaitheeswaran K, Garg S, Grover R, Nadar M, Sharma S




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd
