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Anatomic and Surgical Basis of the Sphenoid Ridge Keyhole Approach for Cerebral Aneurysms

 Edgar Nathal, M.D., D.M.Sc.; Juan Luis Gomez-Amador, M.D.

 Vol. 56, Issue 1, page 178




Anterior Cervical Discectomy

 Volker K.H. Sonntag, Patrick P. Han, A. Giancarlo Vishteh

 V.49 N.4, page 909.




Anterior Cervical Vertebrectomy: Tips and Traps

 Paul R. Cooper

 V.49 N.5, page 1129.




Anterior Clinoidectomy and Opening of the Internal Auditory Canal Using an Ultrasonic Bone Curette

 Hiromu Hadeishi, Akifumi Suzuki, Nobuyuki Yasui, Yuichirou Satou

 V.52 N.4, page 867.




Anterior Communicating Artery Aneurysms

 Robert A. Solomon

 V.48 N.1, page 119.




Anterior Communicating Artery Aneurysms

 Robert F. Spetzler

 V.51 N.4, page 993.




The Anterior Surgical Approach to the Cervical Spine for Intervertebral Disc Disease

 Stephen M. Russell, M.D.; Vallo Benjamin, M.D.

 Vol. 54, Issue 5, page 1144




Anterolateral Approach to the V2 Segment of the Vertebral Artery

 Micha?l Bruneau, M.D.; Jan Frederick Cornelius, M.D.; Bernard George, M.D.

 Vol. 57, Issue 4, page 262.




Antero-Lateral Approach to the V3 Segment of the Vertebral Artery

 Micha?l Bruneau, M.D.; Jan Fr?d?rick Cornelius, M.D.; Bernard George, M.D.

 Vol. 58, Issue 2, ONS.




C1-C2 Transarticular Screw Fixation: Technical Aspects

 Regis W. Haid, Jr.

 V.49 N.1, page 71.




Carotid Endarterectomy

 Julian E. Bailes

 V.50 N.6, page 1290.




Carotid Endarterectomy with Regional Anesthesia

 Robert E. Harbaugh, Harold J. Pikus

 V.49 N.3, page 642.




Cerebral Revascularization for Aneurysms and Tumors

 Laligam N. Sekhar, Chandrasekar Kalavakonda

 V.50 N.2, page 321.




Coil Embolization of Intracranial Aneurysms

 Bernard R. Bendok, Ricardo A. Hanel, L. Nelson Hopkins

 V.52 N.5, page 1125.




A Combined Subtemporal and Transventricular/Transchoroidal Fissure Approach to Medial Temporal Lesions

 Susumu Miyamoto, M.D., Ph.D.; Hiroharu Kataoka, M.D., Ph.D.; Akio Ikeda, M.D., Ph.D.; Jun Takahashi, M.D., Ph.D.; Nobuhiro Mikuni, M.D., Ph.D.; Keiko Usui, M.D.; Motohiro Takayama, M.D.; Takeshi Satow, M.D.; Nobuo Hashimoto, M.D., Ph.D.

 Vol. 54, Issue 5, page 1162




Contribution of Mural and Bone Marrow-derived Neointimal Cells to Thrombus Organization and Wall Remodeling in a Microsurgical Murine Saccular Aneurysm Model

 Juhana Fr?sen, M.D.; Johan Marjamaa, M.D.; Marjukka Myll?rniemi, M.D., Ph.D.; Usama Abo-Ramadan, Ph.D.; Riikka Tulamo, M.B.; Mika Niemel?, M.D., Ph.D.; Juha Hernesniemi, M.D., Ph.D.; Juha J??skel?inen, M.D., Ph.D.

 Vol. 58, Issue 5, page 936.




Endoscopic Endonasal Transsphenoidal Surgery

 Paolo Cappabianca, M.D.; Luigi Maria Cavallo, M.D.; Enrico de Divitiis, M.D.

 Vol. 55, Issue 4, page 933




Endoscopic Resection of Hypothalamic Hamartoma using a Novel Variable Aspiration Tissue Resector

 Gregory P. Lekovic, M.D., Ph.D., J.D.; L Fernando Gonzalez, M.D.; Iman Feiz-Erfan, M.D.; Harold L. Rekate, M.D.

 Vol. 58, Issue 2, ONS.




Endoscopically Assisted Harvesting of the Superficial Temporal Artery: Technical Note

 Shigeki Kubo, Hiroshi Takimoto, Toshiki Yoshimine

 V.52 N.4, page 982.




Extended Lateral Transsylvian Approach for Basilar Bifurcation Aneurysms

 Bernard R. Bendok, M.D.; Christopher C. Getch, M.D.; Richard Parkinson, M.D.; Brian A. O'Shaughnessy, M.D.; H. Hunt Batjer, M.D.

 Vol. 55, Issue 1, page 174




Far-lateral Approach to the Craniocervical Junction

 Giuseppe Lanzino, M.D.; Sergio Paolini, M.D.; Robert F. Spetzler, M.D.

 Vol. 57, Issue 4, page 367.




Far-lateral Lumbar Disc Herniation: The Microsurgical Transmuscular Approach

 Tessitore, Enrico M.D.; de Tribolet, Nicolas M.D.

 Vol. 54, Issue 4, page 939-942.




Giant Aneurysms

 Robert F. Spetzler, Howard A. Riina, G. Michael Lemole, Jr.

 V.49 N.4, page 902.




Improved Technique for Harvesting the Accessory Nerve for Transfer in Brachial Plexus Injuries

 Jayme Augusto Bertelli, M.D., Ph.D.; Marcos Flavio Ghizoni, M.D.

 Vol. 58, Issue 4, ONS.




Intradural Jugular Tubercle Reduction to Enhance Exposure Via the Transcondylar Approach: Technical Note

 J. Diaz Day, M.D.

 Vol. 55, Issue 1, page 247




Intrinsic Spinal Cord Tumor Resection

 George I. Jallo, Karl F. Kothbauer, Fred J. Epstein

 V.49 N.5, page 1124.




Intrinsic Spinal Cord Tumor Resection

 Jacques Brotchi

 V.50 N.5, page 1059.




Microsurgery for Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformations: A Dissection Technique and Its Theoretical Implications

 Nobuo Hashimoto

 V.48 N.6, page 1278.




Microsurgical Cervical Nerve Root Decompression by Anterolateral Approach

 Micha?l Bruneau, M.D.; Jan Fr?d?rick Cornelius, M.D.; Bernard George, M.D.

 Vol. 58, Issue 2, ONS.




Microsurgical Removal of Intraventricular Lesions Using Endoscopic Visualization and Stereotactic Guidance

 Anthony E. Harris, M.D., Ph.D.; Costas G. Hadjipanayis, M.D.; L Dade Lunsford, M.D.; Andrew K. Lunsford; Amin B. Kassam, M.D.

 Vol. 56, Issue 1, page 125.




Microsurgical Resection of Spinal Cord Hemangioblastomas

 Russell R. Lonser, M.D.; Edward H. Oldfield, M.D.

 Vol. 57, Issue 4, page 372.




Mini-Open Carpal Tunnel Decompression

 Jason H. Huang, Eric L. Zager

 V.54 N.2, page 397.




The Mini-open Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion

 Praveen V. Mummaneni, M.D.; Gerald E. Rodts Jr, M.D.

 Vol. 57, Issue 4, page 256.




Nuances in Acoustic Neuroma Surgery

 Leonard I. Malis

 V.49 N.2, page 337.




Nuances of Middle Cerebral Artery Aneurysm Microsurgery

 Douglas Chyatte, Rebecca Porterfield

 V.48 N.2, page 339.




Open-door Cervical Expansile Laminoplasty

 Michael Y. Wang, Barth A. Green

 V.54 N.1, page 119.




Operative Nuances of Myelomeningocele Closure

 Victor L. Perry, A. Leland Albright, P. David Adelson, Victor L. Perry, A. Leland Albright, P. David Adelson

 V.51 N.3, page 719.




Ophthalmic Segment Aneurysm Surgery

 Steven L. Giannotta

 V.50 N.3, page 558.




The Orbitozygomatic Approach

 Wouter Ralph van Furth, M.D., Ph.D.; Anne Maria R. Agur, Ph.D.; Nicholas Woolridge, B.M.C., B.F.A., B.Sc., M.Sc.; Michael D. Cusimano, M.D., Ph.D.

 Vol. 58, Issue 2, ONS.




Orbitozygomatic Approach to Basilar Apex Aneurysms

 Frank P.K. Hsu, M.D., Ph.D.; Richard E. Clatterbuck, M.D., Ph.D.; Robert F. Spetzler, M.D.

 Vol. 56, Issue 1, page 172




Pituitary Surgery: Transsphenoidal Approach

 John A. Jane, Jr., Kamal Thapar, George J. Kaptain, Nicholas Maartens, Edward R. Laws, Jr.

 V.51 N.2, page 435.




Posterior Subscapular Approach to the Brachial Plexus

 Gabriel C. Tender, M.D.; David G. Kline, M.D.

 Vol. 57, Issue 4, page 377.




Posterior Surgical Approach to the Cervical Neural Foramen for Intervertebral Disc Disease

 Stephen M. Russell, Vallo Benjamin

 V.54 N.3, page 662.




Suboccipital Retrosigmoid Approach for Removal of Vestibular Schwannomas: Facial Nerve Function and Hearing Preservation.

 Ivan Ciric, M.D.; Jin-cheng Zhao, M.D.; Sami Rosenblatt, M.D.; Richard Wiet, M.D.; Brian O'Shaughnessy, M.D.

 Vol. 56, Issue 3, page 560.




Successful Intra-arterial Basilar Artery Thrombolysis in a Patient with Bilateral Vertebral Artery Occlusion: Technical Case Report

 Huan Wang, M.D.; Kenneth Fraser, M.D.; David Wang, M.D.; Jorge Alvernia, M.D.; Giuseppe Lanzino, M.D.

 Vol. 57, Issue 4, page 398.




Superficial Temporal Artery to Middle Cerebral Arterty Bypass

 Newell, David W. M.D.; Vilela, Marcelo D. M.D.

 Vol. 54, Issue 6, page 1441-1449.




Superficial Temporal Artery-to-Middle Cerebral Artery Bypass

 Fady T. Charbel, M.D.; Guido Meglio, M.D.; Sepideh Amin-Hanjani, M.D.

 Vol. 56, Issue 1, page 186




Superficial Temporal Artery-to-Middle Cerebral Artery Bypass Grafting for Cerebral Revascularization

 John E. Wanebo, M.D.; Joseph M. Zabramski, M.D.; Robert F. Spetzler, M.D.

 Vol. 55, Issue 2, page 395




Surgery of the Subthalamic Nucleus: Use of Movement-related Neuronal Activity for Surgical Navigation

 Philip A. Starr, Philip V. Theodosopoulos, Robert Turner

 V.53 N.5, page 1146.




Surgical Management of Cavernous Malformations Involving the Cranial Nerves

 Vivek R. Deshmukh, Felipe C. Albuquerque, Joseph M. Zabramski, Robert F. Spetzler

 V.53 N.2, page 352.




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