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Antegrade administration of cardioplegia

 Michael P. Siegenthaler




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Bilateral living-donor lobar lung transplantation

 Hiroshi Date, Motoi Aoe, Yoshifumi Sano, Keiji Goto, Masaaki Kawada and Nobuyoshi Shimizu




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Bronchial and pulmonary arterial sleeve resection

 Mohsen Ibrahim, Federico Venuta and Erino A. Rendina




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Chordal transfer for repair of anterior leaflet prolapse

 A. Marc Gillinov




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Cold crystalloid cardioplegia

 Hans J. Geissler and Uwe Mehlhorn




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Composite graft replacement of the aortic root: ¡®button¡¯ technique

 Marko Turina




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Concomitant ablation of atrial fibrillation during mitral surgery

 Stefano Benussi, and Ottavio Alfieri




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Conventional mediastinoscopy

 Paul De Leyn and Toni Lerut





Direct cannulation of the coronary ostia

 Torsten Doenst




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The edge-to-edge repair

 Ottavio Alfieri, Francesco Maisano, and Michele De Bonis




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Endoscopic VATS sympathectomy: the uniportal technique

 Gaetano Rocco




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Extrapericardial pneumonectomy

 Jeroen Hendriks, Patrick Lauwers and Paul Van Schil




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Extrapleural pneumonectomy for malignant pleural mesothelioma

 Luis M. Argote-Greene, Michael Y. Chang and David J. Sugarbaker




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Internal mammary artery

 Antonio M. Calafiore, Luca Weltert, Michele Di Mauro, Guglielmo Actis-Dato, Angela L. Iac? Paolo Centofanti, Michele La Torre,and Francesco Patan




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Intrapericardial pneumonectomy

 Erino A. Rendina, Fedrico Venuta and Mohsen Ibrahim




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Laser resection of lung metastasis

 Axel Rolle and Arpad Pereszlenyi




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Left anterior small thoracotomy procedure

 Gabriele Di Giammarco, Marco Pano, Marco Contini, Piero Pelini, Alessandro Di Francesco, Marco Valente and Michele Di Mauro




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Left ventricular aneurysm/reshaping techniques

 Lorenzo Menicanti and Marisa Di Donato




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Left ventricular volume reduction

 Raimondo Ascione, Peter Wilde and Gianni D. Angelini




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Lobectomy of the right lower lobe for lung cancer

 Patrick Lauwers, Jeroen Hendriks, and Paul Van Schil




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Minimally invasive aortic valve replacement

 Tomislav Mihaljevic, Marc A. Gillinov and Delos M. Cosgrove





Mitral valve repair in ischemic mitral regurgitation

 Antonio Maria Calafiore, Michele Di Mauro, Marco Contini, Luca Weltert and Antonio Bivona




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Mitral valve replacement with mechanical or bioprosthetic valve

 David Wheatley and Malcolm Will




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Myocardial protection in congenital heart surgery

 Christian Schlensak




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Quadrangular resection for repair of posterior leaflet prolapse

 Patrick Perier




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Radial artery grafting

 Mario Gaudino, Francesco Prati, and Gianfederico Possati




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Resection of intrathoracic and subdiaphragmatic hydatid cysts

 Semih Halezeroglu




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Retrograde administration

 Wolfgang Bothe




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The right gastroepiploic artery graft

 Hisayoshi Suma and Tadashi Isomura




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Robotic video-assisted thoracoscopic thymectomy

 Federico Rea, Giuseppe Marulli and Luigi Bortolotti




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Selection of priming solutions for cardiopulmonary bypass in adults

 Y. John Gu and Piet W. Boonstra





Septal reshaping

 Antonio Maria Calafiore, Michele Di Mauro, Angela Lorena Iac? Luca Weltert and Carlo Di Lorenzo




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Split lung transplantation with intraoperative extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) support

 Gabriel Mihai Marta, Clemens Aigner, and Walter Klepetko




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Supra-annular aortic valve replacement with a mechanical prosthesis

 Marko Turina




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Surgery for post-infarction ventricular septal defect (VSD): double patch and glue technique for early repair

 Claude Deville, Louis Labrousse, Emmanuel Choukroun and Francesco Madonna





Surgical repair of left ventricular free wall rupture

 Alejandro Aris





Transcervical-subxiphoid-VATS "maximal" thymectomy for myasthenia gravis

 Marcin Zielinski, Jaroslaw Kuzdzal and Tomasz Nabialek




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Transsternal thymoma resection

 Federico Venuta, Tiziano de Giacomo, Claudio Andreetti and Giorgio Furio Coloni




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Valsalva graft in aortic valve repair and replacement

 Ruggero De Paulis, Raffaele Scaffa, Stefano Forlani, and Luigi Chiariello




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VATS lung biopsy: the uniportal technique

 Gaetano Rocco




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Ventricular reconstruction or aneurysm repair using a modified linear repair technique with septal patch when indicated

 Lynda Mickleborough




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Video robotic lobectomy

 Franca M.A. Melfi, Marcello C. Ambrogi, Marco Lucchi and Alfredo Mussi




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Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) bullectomy for emphysematous/bullous lung disease

 Calvin S.H. Ng and Anthony P.C. Yim




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Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) pleurodesis for pneumothorax

 Calvin S.H. Ng, Gaetano Rocco and Anthony P.C. Yim




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Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery and open decortication for pleural empyema

 Hans-Beat Ris and Thorsten Krueger




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 Paul De Leyn and Toni Lerut




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