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Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass for Morbid Obesity

 Hahnemann University Hospital




 Videos of Surgical Procedures

Safer Care for Clinical Research Patients

 Bruce H. Berg, M.D., MBA

 April 23, 2003



 Clinical Center Grand Rounds

SAP: Mini-Modulator of Humoral Immunity and Th2 Differentiation

 Jennifer Cannons

 October 20, 2004




SARS: A New Challenge to Global Health

 Anthony Fauci, M.D., Director, NIAID

 June 18, 2003



 Clinical Center Grand Rounds

SARS: Developing a Research Response

 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

 May 30, 2003




Saturation of Retinal Synapses and Absolute Visual Sensitivity

 Frederick Rieke, PH.D., University of Washington

 September 29, 2003




Science of Mind-Body Interactions - an Exploration of Integrative Mechanisms (Day 1)

 Sponsored by John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Network on Mind-Body Interactions, NIMH,¡¦

 March 26, 2001




Science of Mind-Body Interactions - an Exploration of Integrative Mechanisms (Day 2)

 Sponsored by John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Network on Mind-Body Interactions, NIMH, ¡¦

 March 27, 2001




Science of Mind-Body Interactions - an Exploration of Integrative Mechanisms (Day 3)

 Sponsored by John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Network on Mind-Body Interactions, NIMH, ¡¦

 March 28, 2001




Science of Sleep, Fatigue and Performance - Implications for Residency Duty Hours

 David Dinges, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine

 August 17, 2005



 Clinical Center Grand Rounds

The Science of the Placebo: Toward An Interdisciplinary Research Agenda


 November 19, 2000




Science Writers Seminar

 NCI Press Office

 March 21, 2003




Scientific Approaches to Consciousness


 May 10, 2000




The Scope of Physician Impairment

 Tom Dolan, Director of Community Outreach, MEDCHI, Maryland.

 August 29, 2001



 Clinical Center Grand Rounds

Screening for Cancer: Is the Current Clinical Paradigm Wrong?

 Anthony B. Miller, M.D., German Cancer Research Centre

 May 08, 2002



 Clinical Center Grand Rounds

Second Annual Interdisciplinary Women’s Health Research Symposium

 Office of Research on Women’s Health

 October 20, 2005



 Women's Health

Second Annual ORWH Lectureship on Women's Health Research: From Estrogen Receptors to Management of Menopause

 Jan-Aike Gustafsson, M.D., Ph.D. and Rodolfo Paoletti, M.D., Ph.D.

 March 22, 2002



 Women's Health

A Second Divalent Metal Ion in the Active Site of a New Crystal Form of Human Apurinic/Apyridinimic Endonuclease, Ape1, and its Implications for the Catalytic Mechanism

 Peter Beernink, LLNL

 March 20, 2001



 DNA Repair

Second National Conference on Drug Abuse Prevention Research: A Progress Update (Day 1)

 The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

 August 09, 2001




Second National Conference on Drug Abuse Prevention Research: A Progress Update (Day 2)

 The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

 August 10, 2001




Second Symposium on Housing for Persons with Disabilities

 HHS Office on Disability

 June 30, 2004




Secretary Thompson's Announcement of the Revitalization of the Public Health Service Commissioned Corps

 Tommy G. Thompson, Secretary of Health and Human Services

 July 03, 2003




Secretary's Conference On Family Friendly work Practices: To Promote Flexibility in the Workplace

 Day 1 For Non-Managerial Employees

 May 23, 2000




Secretary's Conference On Family Friendly Work Practices:To promote flexibility in the workplace(Day 2)

 HHS Work/Life Center

 May 24, 2000





 Giuseppe Scala NIAID

 October 22, 1999




Selection of priming solutions for cardiopulmonary bypass in adults

 Y. John Gu and Piet W. Boonstra





Senator John Glenn and Space Shuttle Discovery (STS-95) Astronauts

 National Institutes of Health

 January 19, 1999




Sensing and Responding to DNA Damage

 Stephen J. Elledge, Ph.D., Baylor College of Medicine

 March 05, 2003



 DNA Repair

Sensing and Signaling in the Immune Response of Drosophila

 Jules Hoffmann

 February 16, 2005




Sensory Transduction in Inner Hair Cells: What a Long, Strange TRP it's Been

 David Corey, Ph.D., Harvard Medical School

 December 19, 2005



 50 Most Recent VideoCasts

Sensory Transduction in Inner Hair Cells: What a Long, Strange TRP it's Been

 David Corey, Ph.D., Harvard Medical School

 December 19, 2005




Sentinel Lymph Node Dissection

 Dr. Beth Ann Ditkoff, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons

 [11¿ù20ÀϱîÁö trial]

 (3 minutes, 37 seconds)



Septal reshaping

 Antonio Maria Calafiore, Michele Di Mauro, Angela Lorena Iac? Luca Weltert and Carlo Di Lorenzo




 Content Videosº¸±â

September 2003 National Cancer Advisory Board (NCAB) Day 1

 The National Cancer Institute (NCI) Division of Extramural Activities

 September 09, 2003



 Advisory Boards

September 2003 National Cancer Advisory Board (NCAB) Day 2

 The National Cancer Institute (NCI) Division of Extramural Activities

 September 10, 2003



 Advisory Boards

SERCH Demo - System for Enterprise Records and Correspondence Handling

 Star Kline, HHS SERCH Program Manager and Michael J. Morrison, Vice President, NMS Imaging and SERCH Project Manager

 April 20, 2005




Serum Peptide Signatures of Solid Tumor Cancers

 Paul Tempst, Cornell University

 May 06, 2005




Setting the Stage for Pain: Opioid Receptors and Pain Modulation

 Howard Fields, M.D., PH.D., University of California, San Francisco

 April 01, 2002




Severe Combined Immunodeficiencies: Models of Human T Cell Development and New Therapeutics

 Alain Fischer

 March 09, 2005




Severe Combined Immunodeficiency: New Approaches, New Problems

 Jennifer M. Puck, M.D., National Human Genome Research Institute

 April 22, 2005



 Women's Health

Sex and Social Regulation of the Brain

 Russell D. Fernald, Stanford University

 December 18, 2000




Sex Hormone Effects on Specific Brain Mechanisms and on Generalized Brain Arousal

 Donald W. Pfaff, Ph.D., Rockefeller University

 May 21, 2003



 Women's Health

The Sexually Transmitted Disease Epidemic: A Threat to the Nation's Public Health

 Thomas Quinn, M.D., Chief, International HIV/AIDS and STDs Section, Laboratory of Immunoregulation,¡¦

 October 02, 2001



 Medicine for the Public

Sharing Results of Genetic Research Tests with Minors

 Kurt Hirschhorn, M.D., Mount Sinai School of Medicine

 April 06, 2005



 Clinical Center Grand Rounds

Should Surrogates Be Informed of Patients?HIV Test Results?

 Rebecca Dresser, J.D., Washington University, St. Louis

 May 07, 2003



 Clinical Center Grand Rounds

Shoulder Arthroplasty for Proximal Humeral Fractures

 Donald H. Lee




  Video # 7052

Sickle Cell Anemia: Moving from Pain to Cure

 Mark Gladwin, M.D., NIH Clinical Center

 September 30, 2003



 Medicine for the Public

Sighted Heart Surgery from the Hybrid OR/Cath Lab

 Vanderbilt University Medical Center




 Videos of Surgical Procedures

Sighted Heart Surgery from the Hybrid OR/Cath Lab

 Vanderbilt University Medical Center




 Videos of Surgical Procedures

Signal Transduction Pathways in T Cell Development and Activation

 Leslie Berg, Ph.D., University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA

 September 05, 2001




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