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American Health Information Community - November 2005

 Mike Leavitt, Secretary of The Department of Health and Human Services

 November 29, 2005




American Indian Alaska Native Heritage Month 2004


 November 16, 2004




AMPA/NLM Annual Meeting 2005: Changing Models and Changing Relationships in Publishing


 March 15, 2005




Amygdala-Dependent Memory: What Comes Next?

 Michela Gallagher, PH.D., Johns Hopkins University

 April 25, 2004




Analyze This and That: Genomes and Proteomes

 Michael Snyder, Ph.D., Yale

 December 03, 2004




Analyzing the Duplication of the Human Genome and Interspersed Repeats

 Evan Eichler, Ph.D. and Arian Smit, Ph.D.

 March 13, 2001



 Human Genome

Anatomic and Surgical Basis of the Sphenoid Ridge Keyhole Approach for Cerebral Aneurysms

 Edgar Nathal, M.D., D.M.Sc.; Juan Luis Gomez-Amador, M.D.

 Vol. 56, Issue 1, page 178




Ankle Arthrodesis for Post-Traumatic Arthritis

 Charles L. Saltzman




  Video # 1024

Ankle Arthrodesis for Post-Traumatic Arthritis

 Charles L. Saltzman




 Video Journal of Orthopaedics

Annotating the Human Genome in Terms of Protein Fossils

 Mark Gerstein, Yale University

 May 07, 2004




Annual Advances in Cancer Prevention - Convergence of Molecular Targets for Cancer Prevention and Therapy

 Waun Ki Hong, M.D., University of Texas

 July 29, 2004




Annual Advances in Cancer Prevention Lecture: Identification and Care of Those at Highest Risk of Cancer

 Frederick P. Li, M.D.

 August 02, 2001




Annual Meeting of the Medical Library Association

 Donald A. B. Lindberg, MD

 May 06, 2003




The Annual NIH Director's Awards Ceremony

 Office of Human Resource Management, Office of the Director, NIH

 July 11, 2001




The Annual NIH John W. Diggs Lecture: "The National Strategic Plan for the Elimination of Health Disparities

 David Satcher, M.D., Ph.D. Surgeon General

 July 23, 2001




The Annual Rose Lieberman Lecture: Mechanisms Controlling Lymphocyte Homeostasis

 Klaus Rajewsky

 April 10, 2002




Antegrade administration of cardioplegia

 Michael P. Siegenthaler




 Content Videosº¸±â

Anterior Cervical Corpectomy

 Alan S. Hilibrand




  Video # 8016

Anterior Cervical Discectomy

 Volker K.H. Sonntag, Patrick P. Han, A. Giancarlo Vishteh

 V.49 N.4, page 909.




Anterior Cervical Fusion

 Aurora BayCare Medical Center




 Videos of Surgical Procedures

Anterior Cervical Vertebrectomy: Tips and Traps

 Paul R. Cooper

 V.49 N.5, page 1129.




Anterior Clinoidectomy and Opening of the Internal Auditory Canal Using an Ultrasonic Bone Curette

 Hiromu Hadeishi, Akifumi Suzuki, Nobuyuki Yasui, Yuichirou Satou

 V.52 N.4, page 867.




Anterior Communicating Artery Aneurysms

 Robert F. Spetzler

 V.51 N.4, page 993.




Anterior Communicating Artery Aneurysms

 Robert A. Solomon

 V.48 N.1, page 119.




The Anterior Surgical Approach to the Cervical Spine for Intervertebral Disc Disease

 Stephen M. Russell, M.D.; Vallo Benjamin, M.D.

 Vol. 54, Issue 5, page 1144




Anterolateral Approach to the V2 Segment of the Vertebral Artery

 Micha?l Bruneau, M.D.; Jan Frederick Cornelius, M.D.; Bernard George, M.D.

 Vol. 57, Issue 4, page 262.




Antero-Lateral Approach to the V3 Segment of the Vertebral Artery

 Micha?l Bruneau, M.D.; Jan Fr?d?rick Cornelius, M.D.; Bernard George, M.D.

 Vol. 58, Issue 2, ONS.




Anthrax Toxin as a Target for New Therapeutics and Vaccines

 Dr. Stephen Leppla

 November 03, 2005



 Emergency Preparedness and Biodefense

Anthrax Toxin: Structure, Activity, and New Inhibitors

 R. John Collier, Ph.D., Harvard Medical School

 October 07, 2002




Anthrax: What Every Clinician Should Know

 American Hospital Association, American Medical Association, Public Health Training Network and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

 October 18, 2001




Anti-angiogenic approach in HCC

 À± ¿±(¸ñ¾Ï¿¬±¸¼Ò)

 2003³âµµ Çмú°­ÁÂ



 2003³â Ãß°èÇмú´ëȸ

Anticipating Genetic Enhancement: Professional, Ethical, and Public Policy Issues

 Eric Juengst, Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine

 January 31, 2002



 Human Genome

Antigen Specific Interventions in Type 1 Diabetes: Avenues to the Clinic

 Matthias von Herrath

 January 19, 2005




Antinuclear Antibody in PBC and Liver Failure Risk


 The Digital Atals of Video Education Gastroenterology



 Massachusetts General Hospital

Anus - Basaloid Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Anus

 Contributed by: John Woosley, M.D., Dept. of Pathology , University of North Carolina

 The Digital Atals of Video Education Gastroenterology



 Massachusetts General Hospital

Anus - Condyloma of the Anal Canal

 Contributed by: John Woosley, M.D., Dept. of Pathology , University of North Carolina

 The Digital Atals of Video Education Gastroenterology



 Massachusetts General Hospital

Anxiety and Post-Traumatic Stress

 Dennis Charney, M.D., Carol S. North, M.D., M.P.E. and Sally Winston, Ph.D.

 February 19, 2002



 Women's Health

Anxiety Disorders Research - Heeding Anxiety's Call

 Daniel Pine, M.D., NIMH

 May 19, 2005




Anxiety Disorders: Research and Treatment

 National Institute of Mental Health and the NIH Work and Family Life Center

 April 19, 2002




Aortic and Mitral Valve Replacement with Annular Reconstruction for Native Valve Endocarditis

 Nilto DeOliveira, MD and Marc R. Moon, MD

 July 02, 2003



 Videos organized chronologically

Aortic Root Enlargement and Replacement with Aortic Homograft

 Donald B. Doty, MD

 November 11, 1998



 Videos organized chronologically

Aortic Root Enlargement with Valve Replacement

 Sequoia Hospital




 Videos of Surgical Procedures

Aortic Valve Replacement in a Beating Heart

 Pierluca Lombardi, MD, Marco Ricci, MD, Fuad Moussa, MD, and Tomas Salerno, MD

 November 22, 2004



 Videos organized chronologically

Aortic Valve Replacement with a Bioprosthesis

 A. Sampath Kumar, MD

 February 16, 2003



 Videos organized chronologically

Aortic Valve Replacement with a Homograft (Scallopped Subcoronary Techique)

 A. Sampath Kumar, MD

 December 16, 2003



 Videos organized chronologically

Aortic Valve Replacement with Freestyle Bioprosthesis

 Donald B. Doty, MD

 April 20, 2001



 Videos organized chronologically

Aortic Valve Replacement with Third Generation Stented Bioprosthesis

 Texas Heart Institute at St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital




 Videos of Surgical Procedures

APC Lipid Rafts: We're Off to See the Synapse

 Elizabeth Hiltbold

 May 22, 2002




Apoptosis: A Walk Through the Valley

 David Vaux

 March 24, 2004




Applications Planning Grants for Regional Translational Research Centers RFA-RM-05-008

 A. Hayward, M. Goldrosen, G. Tucker, R. Star and S. Zalcman

 November 10, 2004




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