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Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (RAC) Day 1

 Office of Biotechnology Activities

 September 06, 2001



 Advisory Boards

Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (RAC) Day 1

 Office of Biotechnology Activities

 September 19, 2002



 Advisory Boards

Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (RAC) Day 1

 Office of Biotechnology Activities

 June 14, 2001



 Advisory Boards

Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (RAC) Day 2

 Office of Biotechnology Activities

 June 15, 2001



 Advisory Boards

Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (RAC) Day 2

 Office of Biotechnology Activities

 September 07, 2001



 Advisory Boards

Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (RAC) Day 2

 Office of Biotechnology Activities

 September 20, 2002



 Advisory Boards

Reconstruction of the Ocular Surface in LOGIC Syndrome

 J E Moore, V Kumar, J R Ainsworth, S Shah




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

Reconstructive Surgery for Tricuspid Incompetence

 A. Sampath Kumar, MD




 Videos organized chronologically

Reduction of Skin Cancer in Xeroderma Pigmentosum Patients Treated Topically with DNA Repair Enxymes

 Dr. Daniel Yarosh, Applied Genetics, Freeport, NY

 October 16, 2001



 DNA Repair

Refections On How I Was Led Into and Onto DNA Repair.

 Dr. Richard Setlow, Brookhaven National Lab

 June 20, 2000



 DNA Repair

Reflections on The Problem of Race in the 21st Century After 9/11

 Thomas C. Holt, Ph.D., University of Chicago

 April 11, 2002



 Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities (CRCHD)

Regenerative Tissue Matrix Used to Repair Challenging Diabetic Foot Ulcers

 Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science




 Videos of Surgical Procedures

Regionalization and the Determination of Neural Identity in the Ventral Telecephalon

 Gord Fishell, Ph.D., NYU School of Medicine

 March 19, 2001




Regulating Regulatory T Cells Through PTEN

 Dr. Laurence A. Turka, University of Pennsylvania

 September 22, 2004




Regulation and Function of Helix-Loop-Helix Proteins in Lymphocyte Development and Lymphoid Malignancies

 Cornelis Murre

 November 12, 2003




Regulation of Actin Dynamics at the Immunological Synapse

 Janis Burkhardt

 November 02, 2005




Regulation of Allergic Inflammation in Th2-Polarized Setting

 Andrea Keane-Meyers

 November 09, 2005




Regulation of Central Steps in Human Base Excision Repair

 Dr. David Wilson, NIA, NIH

 April 20, 2004



 DNA Repair

Regulation of Memory CD8+ T Cell Function During Viral Latency

 Bob Hendricks

 November 03, 2004




Regulatory Dendritic Cells Expressing Indoleamine 2, 3 Dioxygenase (IDO)

 Andrew Mellor

 May 18, 2005




Rehabilitation of Persons with Traumatic Injury

 NIH - Office of Disease Prevention

 October 28, 1998




Rehabilitation of Persons with Traumatic Injury

 NIH - Office of Disease Prevention

 October 27, 1998




Rehabilitation of Persons with Traumatic Injury - Day 1

 NIH - Office of Disease Prevention

 October 26, 1998




Remodeling Proteins and the Proteome by AAA+ ATPase Machines

 Tania Baker, Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology

 November 30, 2005



 50 Most Recent VideoCasts

Removal of Dirofilarial worm from the subconjunctival space

 Debjoy Mallik, Suman Alexander




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

Repair of Atrial Septal Defects

 Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center




 Videos of Surgical Procedures

Repair of Mitral Valve Regurgitation with an Annuloplasty Ring

 University of Michigan Health System




 Videos of Surgical Procedures

Repair of a cyclopurine lesion in DNA by nucleotide excision repair: Implications for neurodegeneration in xeroderma pigmentosum.

 Dr.P.J. Brooks- NIAAA

 March 23, 1999



 DNA Repair

Repair of a Migrated Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Endovascular Graft with the Zenith Renu

 Barnes-Jewish Hospital




 Videos of Surgical Procedures

Repair of Abasic Sites in DNA Using Mitochondrial Enzymes

 Dr. Dan Bogenhagen, SUNY, Stony Brook, NY

 January 20, 1998



 DNA Repair

Repair of Atrio Ventricular Septal Defect

 A. Sampath Kumar, MD




 Videos organized chronologically

Repair of Complete Atrioventricular Defect Using Two-Patch Technique

 Jaroslav Stark, MD

 March 31, 1999



 Videos organized chronologically

Repair of Ebstein's Anomaly

 A. Sampath Kumar

 June 13, 2005



 Videos organized chronologically

Repair of Myxomatous Mitral Valve

 A. Sampath Kumar, MD

 August 16, 2004



 Videos organized chronologically

Repair of Rheumatic Tricuspid Valve Disease

 A. Sampath Kumar, MD




 Videos organized chronologically

Repair of Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection

 A. Sampath Kumar

 June 13, 2005



 Videos organized chronologically

Repair of Rheumatic Mitral and Aortic Valve (AV + MV Repair)

 A. Sampath Kumar, MD




 Videos organized chronologically

Repair of Ruptured Sinus of Valsalva Aneurysm

 A. Sampath Kumar, MD




 Videos organized chronologically

Replacement of the Descending Thoracic Aorta in an Animal: A Totally Robotic Procedure

 Eyal E. Porat, MD, Peter D. Herrera, BS, Roy Sheinbaum, MD, et al

 March 28, 2005



 Videos organized chronologically

Replacement of the Thoraco Abdominal Aorta Using a Multi-Branched Arm Graft in a Marfan Patient

 Hazim J. Safi, MD, Anthony L. Estrera, MD, Eyal Porat, MD, et al ? STSA 2005




 Videos organized chronologically

Report on the meeting: DNA Repair and Mutagenesis: Mechanism, Control, and Biological Consequences

 Dr. Rodney Nairn, Smithville, Tx, moderator - nucleotide excision repair; Dr. Rob Sobels, NIEHS, base excision repair¡¦

 November 16, 1999



 DNA Repair

Reproductive Health

 ORWH Women's Health Seminar Series

 May 02, 1996



 Women's Health

Research at the Interface of the Life and Physical Sciences: Bridging the Sciences

 Dr. Arden Bement (NSF) and Dr. Elias Zerhouni (NIH)

 November 09, 2004




Research Designs for Complex Multi Level Health Interventions and Programs (Day 1)

 NIH, CDC, AHRQ and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

 May 04, 2004



 Advisory Boards

Research Designs for Complex Multi Level Health Interventions and Programs (Day 2)

 NIH, CDC, AHRQ and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

 May 05, 2004



 Advisory Boards

Research in American Indian and Alaska Native Communities


 November 08, 2005




Research on Anthrax Toxin Appearing in the Journal Nature - Press Briefing

 Dr. R. John Collier, Dr. John A. Young, Dr. Robert C. Liddington and Dr. Anthony S. Fauci

 October 23, 2001




Researching Neurometabolic Diseases: The Work of Dr.Roscoe O. Brady

 NINDS Director, Dr. Gerald D. Fischbach, will introduce the speakers, Drs. Lewis P. Rowland ¡¦

 January 31, 2000




Resection of intrathoracic and subdiaphragmatic hydatid cysts

 Semih Halezeroglu




 Content Videosº¸±â

Resective Surgery for Refractory Epilepsy

 Memorial Hermann Texas Medical Center




 Videos of Surgical Procedures

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