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Innovative In Vitro Fertilization Techniques

 Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center




 Videos of Surgical Procedures

Ins, Outs and In-Betweens of the MHC Class I Antigen Processing Pathway

 Nilabh Shastri, Ph.D.

 October 31, 2001




Insights from the DNA Sequence of the Human Genome

 The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)

 February 12, 2001




Insights Into Signal Transduction: A Symposium in Honor of Martha Vaughan

 Sponsored by The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

 March 09, 2001




Institutional Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) Pre-submission Meeting

 National Center for Research Resources

 October 17, 2005




Institutional Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) Pre-submission VideoCast for Clinical Research Partners


 November 02, 2005




Integrative Medicine: A Foundation for Prospective Health Care

 Ralph Snyderman, M.D., Chancellor Emeritus, Duke University

 April 22, 2005




Intermediate Filaments: From Cell Shape to DNA Replication

 The Stephen Walter Ranson Professor, and Chairman, Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago

 January 14, 1999




Internal mammary artery

 Antonio M. Calafiore, Luca Weltert, Michele Di Mauro, Guglielmo Actis-Dato, Angela L. Iac? Paolo Centofanti, Michele La Torre,and Francesco Patan




 Content Videosº¸±â

International Studies of Craniofacial Anomalies.

 Dr. Jeffrey Murray, professor of pediatrics and biological sciences at the University of Iowa, presents the annual NIDCR Seymour J. Kreshover Lecture.

 May 24, 1999




International Women's Day Celebration

 Fogarty International Center and Office of Research on Women's Health

 March 08, 2005



 Women's Health

Intervention trials of EFAs in Schizophrenia.

 Malcolm Peet, M.D., University of Sheffield, U.K.

 September 02, 1998




Intestine - Crohn's Disease by Capsule Endoscopy

 Contributed by: Myles Keroack, M.D., Instructor in Medicine , Massachusetts General Hospital

 The Digital Atals of Video Education Gastroenterology



 Massachusetts General Hospital

Intestine - Crohn's Disease by Capsule Endoscopy

 Contributed by: Myles Keroack, M.D., Instructor in Medicine , Massachusetts General Hospital

 The Digital Atals of Video Education Gastroenterology



 Massachusetts General Hospital

Intestine - Normal Ileum

 Contributed by: Peter B. Kelsey, M.D., Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School

 The Digital Atals of Video Education Gastroenterology



 Massachusetts General Hospital

Intracellular Drug Trafficking: Identifying Control Points on the Road to Drug Addiction


 January 07, 2002




Intradural Jugular Tubercle Reduction to Enhance Exposure Via the Transcondylar Approach: Technical Note

 J. Diaz Day, M.D.

 Vol. 55, Issue 1, page 247




Intramedullary Nailing of Humeral Shaft Fractures with a Locking Flexible Nail

 James P. Stannard




  Video # 2520

An Intraocular Steroid Delivery System for Cataract Surgery

 DF Chang




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

Intrapericardial pneumonectomy

 Erino A. Rendina, Fedrico Venuta and Mohsen Ibrahim




 Content Videosº¸±â

Intraperitoneal Hyperthermic Chemotherapy : for Peritoneal Cacrinomatosis

 Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center




 Videos of Surgical Procedures

Intrinsic Spinal Cord Tumor Resection

 Jacques Brotchi

 V.50 N.5, page 1059.




Intrinsic Spinal Cord Tumor Resection

 George I. Jallo, Karl F. Kothbauer, Fred J. Epstein

 V.49 N.5, page 1124.




Introduction - NIH Workshop on Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids and Psychiatric Disorders.

 Richard Nakamura, Ph.D., Acting Deputy Director NIMH, Director, Office of Science Policy and Program Planning, NIMH.

 September 02, 1998




Introduction to DNA Repair in 3D (Entire Lecture Will be Posted Later)

 Dr. Wei Yang, NIDDK

 March 15, 2005



 DNA Repair

Introduction to New Insights into Mechanisms of BRCA2 Regulated Double Strand Break Repair (Entire Lecture Will be Posted Later)

 Dr. Steve West, Oxford

 May 17, 2005



 DNA Repair

Introduction to Pain and Palliative Care Management

 Ann Berger, R.N., M.S.N., M.D., Clinical Center, NIH

 August 07, 2002



 Clinical Center Grand Rounds

Introduction to Repair & Mutagenesis of Triplex Targeted Interstrand Crosslinks (Entire Lecture Will be Posted Later)

 Dr. Michael Seidman, NIA

 January 18, 2005



 DNA Repair

Introduction to Structural Analysis of Strand Misalignment During DNA Synthesis (Entire Lecture Will be Posted Later)

 Dr. Miguel Garcia-Diaz, NIEHS

 April 19, 2005



 DNA Repair

Intrusion of an encircling band with recurrent retinal detachment: surgical approach

 E Doyle, I Georgalas, Paul Sullivan, DAH Laidlaw




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

Invited Speakers Series - Traditional Chinese Medicine for Cancer: The Road to China

 Dr. Lorenzo Cohen

 May 05, 2005




InVivo Flow Dynamics

 Shiva Sharma, MD

 March 26, 2001



 Videos organized chronologically

Iris Cerclage Suture Technique for Traumatic Mydriasis

 LE Fern?ndez de Castro, HP Sandoval, KD Solomon, DT Vroman




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

Is it better to combine antiviral therapy? pros.

 Nancy Leung (Hong Kong)

 2004³âµµ Çмú°­ÁÂ



 The First International Liver Symposium

Is it better to treat CHB as early as possible?: cons.

 Shiv Kumar Sarin (India)

 2004³âµµ Çмú°­ÁÂ



 The First International Liver Symposium

Is it better to treat chronic hepatitis B as early as possible?

 Hie-Won L. Hann (USA)

 2004³âµµ Çмú°­ÁÂ



 The First International Liver Symposium

Is it Ethical to Conduct Research with Individuals who Have No Access to Standard Treatment?

 Ruth Macklin, Ph.D., Albert Einstein School of Medicine

 April 07, 2004



 Clinical Center Grand Rounds

Is Spirituality Good for Your Health? Historical Reflections on an Emerging Research Enterprise

 Anne Harrington, Ph.D., Professor for the History of Science, Harvard University

 October 28, 2005




Is There a Link Between DNA Polymerase Beta and Cancer?

 Dr. Joanne Sweasy, Yale University

 October 18, 2005



 DNA Repair

Ischemic Preconditioning: A Model of Neural Plasticity

 NIH Neuroscience Seminar Series

 January 22, 2001




Isolated Anterior Mitral Leaflet Cleft

 A. Sampath Kumar, MD




 Videos organized chronologically

Isolated four-chamber working swine heart model

 Edward Chinchoy, MD

 March 28, 2001



 Videos organized chronologically

Issues in Cancer Pharmacogenomics


 2005³âµµ Çмú°­ÁÂ



 Single Topic symposium(¿ø¹ß¼º °£¾ÏÀÇ ¹ß»ý ¹× Ä¡·áÀü·«)

Jekyll and Hyde - How Do Alveolar Macrophages Change Phenotype from Dormant to Activated Phagocytes?

 Eyal Raz

 January 12, 2005




John Diggs Lecture - Dissection of Cooperating Genetic Pathways

 Olufunmilayo F. Olopade, M.B., B.S., FACP

 July 15, 2002




Joint Institute of Medicine - National Cancer Intitute Science Writers' Seminar

 IOM and NCI

 June 18, 2004




Joint Meeting National Vaccine Advisory Committee and Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices


 July 19, 2005



 Advisory Boards

Julie at 90, A Symposium in Honor of the Lifetime Achievements of Dr. Julius Axelrod in Biomedical Sciences

 National Institute of Mental Health, Division of Intramural Research Programs

 May 31, 2002




June 2003 National Cancer Advisory Board (NCAB)

 The National Cancer Institute (NCI) Division of Extramural Activities

 June 10, 2003



 Advisory Boards

K-12 Clinical Research Meeting

 The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

 December 11, 2003




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