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Great Teachers - Hormone Replacement Therapy

 Deborah Grady, M.D., University of California

 September 14, 2005



 Clinical Center Grand Rounds

Great Teachers - Managing Heart Failure: Taking the Congestion Out of Congestive Heart Failure

 Lynne Stevenson, M.D., Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School

 March 10, 2004



 Clinical Center Grand Rounds

Great Teachers - Obesity: A Disease, Not a Character Flaw

 Rudolph Leibel, M.D., Columbia University

 January 14, 2004



 Clinical Center Grand Rounds

Great Teachers - Optimizing Antimicrobial Treatment: When More Is Better…When Less Is Best

 Julie L. Gerberding, M.D., M.P.H., Director, CDC

 February 11, 2004



 Clinical Center Grand Rounds

Great Teachers - Patients as Teachers: The Development of Cancer Immunotherapy

 Steven Rosenberg, M.D., Ph.D., National Cancer Institute

 June 08, 2005



 Clinical Center Grand Rounds

Great Teachers - Prostate Cancer

 Ian M. Thompson, M.D., University of Texas Health Science Center

 October 12, 2005



 Clinical Center Grand Rounds

Great Teachers - Sexually Transmitted Diseases

 King K. Holmes, M.D., Ph.D., University of Washington

 March 09, 2005



 Clinical Center Grand Rounds

Great Teachers - The End of Life

 Richard Payne, M.D., Duke University Divinity School

 April 14, 2004



 Clinical Center Grand Rounds

Great Teachers - The Natural and Unnatural History of Hepatitis C - Prolific Payoffs from the Perfect Patient

 Harvey Alter, M.D., M.A.C.P., NIH CC

 May 12, 2004



 Clinical Center Grand Rounds

Great Teachers - Voodoo Death: The Modern Lessons of Neurocardiology

 Martin Samuels, M.D., Harvard Medical School

 October 08, 2003



 Clinical Center Grand Rounds

Great Teachers - We Must Prevent HIV Infection in Children!

 Catherine Wilfert, M.D., Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation

 January 12, 2005



 Clinical Center Grand Rounds

Great Teachers - Who Wants to be a Radiologist? Watch One at Work

 Donald Resnick, M.D., University of California

 December 08, 2004



 Clinical Center Grand Rounds

Great Teachers Series - Fluid Electrolytes: Practical Cases

 Robert Narins, M.D., American Society of Nephrology

 April 09, 2003



 Clinical Center Grand Rounds

Great Teachers Series - Thinking about Infectious Disease

 John Bennett, M.D., NIAID

 June 11, 2003



 Clinical Center Grand Rounds

Great Teachers: Age-Related Macular Degeneration: Scourge of Elderly, Hope for Future

 Stuart L. Fine, M.D., University of Pennsylvania Health System

 April 13, 2005



 Clinical Center Grand Rounds

Great Teachers: Breast Cancer Research and Treatment: In Transits

 Bernard Fisher, M.D., University of Pittsburgh

 September 08, 2004



 Clinical Center Grand Rounds

Great Teachers: Caution - Socratic Surgeon at Work

 Murray E. Brennan, M.D., Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

 June 16, 2004



 Clinical Center Grand Rounds

Great Teachers: Genomics Meets Gynecology and Infertility

 Linda Giudice, M.D., Ph.D., Stanford University School of Medicine

 September 10, 2003



 Clinical Center Grand Rounds

Great Teachers: How Far Away is the Future for Patients with Lupus?

 Bevra H. Hahn, M.D., David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA

 October 06, 2004



 Clinical Center Grand Rounds

Growing Older: Challenges and Opportunities in Aging

 Richard J. Hodes, M.D., Director, National Institute on Aging

 November 01, 2005



 Medicine for the Public

Half a Century of DNA Repair: An Historical Perspective

 Dr. Philip Hanawalt, Stanford University, CA

 April 16, 2002



 DNA Repair

HBV replication cycle and potential targets for antiviral agents

 Wang Shick Ryu (Korea)

 2004³âµµ Çмú°­ÁÂ



 The First International Liver Symposium

HCV IgG immune-complex ÃøÁ¤ÀÇ ÀÇÀÇ


 2004³âµµ Çмú°­ÁÂ



 2004³â Á¦10Â÷ Ãß°èÇмú´ëȸ

Health Challenges for Research in the 21st Century

 Dr. Jong-Wook Lee, World Health Organization

 December 06, 2004




Health Disparities Among the Pima Indians With Special Emphasis on Diabetes Mellitus

 Peter H. Bennett, M.D., NIDDK

 August 25, 2004



 Clinical Center Grand Rounds

Health Disparities and Mental Retardation: A Surgeon General's Conference (Day 1)

 The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development on behalf of the Office of the Surgeon General

 December 05, 2001




Health Disparities and Mental Retardation: A Surgeon General's Conference (Day 2)

 The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development on behalf of the Office of the Surgeon General

 December 06, 2001




Health Disparities in a Health Policy Context: From Discrimination to Quality

 Sara Rosenbaum, J.D., George Washington University Medical Center

 August 18, 2004



 Clinical Center Grand Rounds

Health Disparities In Arthritis And Musculoskeletal And Skin Diseases

 Sponsored and organized by NIAMS; co-sponsored by the NIH Office of Research on Minority Health, ¡¦

 December 16, 2000




Health Disparities In Arthritis And Musculoskeletal And Skin Diseases

 Sponsored and organized by NIAMS; co-sponsored by the NIH Office of Research on Minority Health, ¡¦

 December 15, 2000




Healthcare Economics in the Academic Medical Center

 Peter R. Holbrook, M.D., Children's National Medical Center

 August 06, 2003



 Clinical Center Grand Rounds

Healthy People 2010: Eliminating Health Disparities

 The Healthy People Consortium and Partnerships for Networked Consumer Health Information.

 January 27, 2000




Heart and Brain Attack in Women


 December 07, 2000



 Women's Health

Hemochromatosis and Iron-Overload Screening in a Racially Diverse Population


 The Digital Atals of Video Education Gastroenterology



 Massachusetts General Hospital


 Dr. Spencer E. Amory, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons

 [11¿ù20ÀϱîÁö trial]

 (4 minutes, 51 seconds)


 Gastrointestinal: Colorectal

Hemosuccus Pancreaticus


 The Digital Atals of Video Education Gastroenterology



 Massachusetts General Hospital

Hepatitis C and Its Treatment - AIDS: Opportunistic Infections in the Era of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy

 Jay Hoofnagle, M.D. and Henry Masur, M.D.

 January 07, 2004



 Clinical Center Grand Rounds

Hepatitis C: Virus and Infection

 Harvey Alter and Jake Liang

 January 07, 2003



 Demystifying Medicine

Hepatocellular Carcinoma


 The Digital Atals of Video Education Gastroenterology



 Massachusetts General Hospital

Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Disease and Mechanisms

 Win Arias and Curtis Harris

 January 30, 2003



 Demystifying Medicine

Hepatotoxicity and HAART


 The Digital Atals of Video Education Gastroenterology



 Massachusetts General Hospital

Herbal Medicine: Ancient Practice Meets Modern Science

 Norman R. Farnsworth, Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago

 October 22, 2003




HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt Welcoming Ceremony

 HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt

 February 11, 2005




HHS Secretary Thompson Address to the National Congress of American Indians 58th Annual Session in Spokane Washington

 HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson

 November 29, 2001




HHS Secretary Thompson and USDA Secretary Veneman Announce Dietary Guidelines For Americans, 2005 Edition

 HHS Secretary Thompson and USDA Secretary Veneman

 January 12, 2005




HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Announces Results of Major Diabetes Prevention Study

 National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

 August 08, 2001




High Resolution Imaging of the Retina in Vivo with Adaptive Optics

 David Williams, Ph.D., University Of Rochester

 December 12, 2005




High Resolution Imaging of the Retina in Vivo with Adaptive Optics

 David Williams, Ph.D., University Of Rochester

 December 12, 2005



 50 Most Recent VideoCasts

High Throughput Genotyping Centers For Human And Animal DNA


 October 28, 2003




High-Throughput Analysis of Subcellular Localization in Budding Yeast

 Erin O'Shea, University of California, San Francisco

 February 06, 2004




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