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Esophagus - High Grade Dysplasia Arising in Barrett's Treated with PDT

 Contributed by: Norman Nishioka, M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine , Massachusetts General Hospital

 The Digital Atals of Video Education Gastroenterology



 Massachusetts General Hospital

Esophagus - Large Ulcers in HIV

 Contributed by: Peter B. Kelsey, M.D., Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School

 The Digital Atals of Video Education Gastroenterology



 Massachusetts General Hospital

Esophagus - Malignancy Examined with EUS

 Contributed by: Brenna C. Bounds, M.D., Instructor in Medicine, Harvard Medical School

 The Digital Atals of Video Education Gastroenterology



 Massachusetts General Hospital

Esophagus - Pill Induced Ulcer

 Contributed by: Peter B. Kelsey, M.D., Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School

 The Digital Atals of Video Education Gastroenterology



 Massachusetts General Hospital

Esophagus - Pill Ulceration

 Contributed by: Peter B. Kelsey, M.D., Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School

 The Digital Atals of Video Education Gastroenterology



 Massachusetts General Hospital

Esophagus - Radiation Esophagitis

 Contributed by: Peter B. Kelsey, M.D., Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School

 The Digital Atals of Video Education Gastroenterology



 Massachusetts General Hospital

Esophagus - Schatzki Ring

 Contributed by: Nicole Marie Martin, Harvard Medical Student , Harvard Medical School

 The Digital Atals of Video Education Gastroenterology



 Massachusetts General Hospital

Esophagus - Sqamous Cell Carcinoma

 Contributed by: John Woosley, M.D., Dept. of Pathology , University of North Carolina

 The Digital Atals of Video Education Gastroenterology



 Massachusetts General Hospital

Esophagus - T2 Mass on EUS

 Contributed by: Brenna C. Bounds, M.D., Instructor in Medicine, Harvard Medical School

 The Digital Atals of Video Education Gastroenterology



 Massachusetts General Hospital

Esophagus - Variceal Sclerotherapy

 Contributed by: Enqiang Linghu, M.D., Professor , Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing, China

 The Digital Atals of Video Education Gastroenterology



 Massachusetts General Hospital

Esophagus - Varices with Banding Therapy

 Contributed by: Peter B. Kelsey, M.D., Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School

 The Digital Atals of Video Education Gastroenterology



 Massachusetts General Hospital

Esophagus - Varices with Banding Therapy

 Contributed by: Peter B. Kelsey, M.D., Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School

 The Digital Atals of Video Education Gastroenterology



 Massachusetts General Hospital

Esophagus - Zenker's Diverticulum

 Contributed by: Norman Nishioka, M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine , Massachusetts General Hospital

 The Digital Atals of Video Education Gastroenterology



 Massachusetts General Hospital

Essential Fat in Foods

 Penny Kris-Etherton, Ph.D., R.D., Professor of Nutrition,Pennsylvania State

 March 20, 2000




Essential Fat in Foods: Overview of essential fatty acids in health and disease

 Bill Lands, Ph.D., Senior Advisor, NIAAA, NIH

 March 20, 2000




Essential Fats In Foods: An Overview of Functional Foods

 Jean Pennington, Ph.D., R.D., Research Nutritionist, DNRC, NIH

 March 20, 2000




Essential Fats In Foods: Differences Between Preventive Nutrition and Therapeutic Intervention

 Frank M. Sacks, M.D., Professor, School of Public Health, Harvard University

 March 20, 2000




Essential Fats in Foods: Eicosanoid Formation, Receptor Functions, and Clinical Relevance

 William L. Smith, Ph.D., Professor and Chairman of Biochemistry, Michigan State

 March 20, 2000




Essential Fats in Foods: Essential fatty acids, different chain lengths and metabolism

 Norman Salem, Ph.D., Chief, Laboratory of Membrane Biochemistry and

 March 20, 2000




Essential fatty acid status and markers of serotonergic neurotransmission in alcoholism and suicide.

 Joseph R. Hibbeln, M.D., NIAAA.

 September 02, 1998




Essential Fatty Acids in Health Maintenance and Disease Prevention: "Essential Fatty Acids in Functional Foods in the USA"

 Penny Kris-Etherton, Pennsylvania State University

 March 20, 2001




Essential Fatty Acids in Health Maintenance and Disease Prevention: "Novel Function Foods to Balance Essential Fatty Acids in the Body

 Jay Whelan, BHNRC, ARS, USDA

 March 20, 2001




Essential Fatty Acids in Health Maintenance and Disease Prevention: "Omega-3 Needs for Pregnant Women & Nursing Mothers"

 Norman Salem, NIAAA, NIH, DHHS

 March 20, 2001




Essential Fatty Acids in Health Maintenance and Disease Prevention: "USDA Nutrient Database and New Models of Access"

 Joanne Holden, BHNRC, ARS, USDA

 March 20, 2001




Estrogen Actions in Cardiovascular Physiology: 2004 Update

 Michael E. Mendelsohn, M.D, FACC, New England Medical Center and Tufts University School of Medicine

 April 16, 2004



 Women's Health

Estrogen and Synapses in the Hippocampus

 Catherine Woolley, Ph.D., Northwestern University

 October 29, 2003



 Women's Health

Estrogen Receptors - From Molecular Biology to Therapeutics

 Dr. Jan-Ake Gustafsson, Karolinska Institut, Huddinge, Sweden

 November 08, 2002



 Women's Health

Estrogen-Dependent and Independent Regulation of Immune System Development

 Paul W. Kincade, Ph.D., University of Oklahoma

 April 25, 2003



 Women's Health

Ethical and Legal Issues of Genetic Testing

 ORWH Women's Health Seminar Series

 December 03, 1998



 Women's Health

Ethical Issues on the Biomedical Frontier - David E. Barmes Global Health Lecture

 Arthur L. Caplan, Ph.D., Director, Center for Bioethics, University of Pennsylvania

 October 22, 2001




Ethical Issues Related to Medical Practice

 Marion Danis, M.D., Head, Section on Ethics and Health Policy, Clinical Bioethics Program, Clinical Center, NIH

 August 08, 2001



 Clinical Center Grand Rounds

Ethics Grand Rounds: Can Patients Be Involuntarily Detained When They May Pose a Risk to Others?

 Lawrence O. Gostin, J.D., Johns Hopkins University

 September 28, 2005



 Clinical Center Grand Rounds

The Ethics of Altruistic Organ Donation

 Robert M. Veatch, Ph.D., Professor of Medical Ethics, Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University

 October 27, 2004



 Clinical Center Grand Rounds

The Ethics of International Clinical Trials

 David Wendler, Ph.D., NIH Clinical Center

 August 11, 2004



 Clinical Center Grand Rounds

Evaluating Differential Estrogen Receptor Activities Using Knock Out Mouse Models

 Kenneth S. Korach, Ph.D., NIEHS

 February 06, 2004



 Women's Health

Evaluation of leukocyte dynamics in mouse retinal circulation with scanning laser ophthalmoloscopy

 Heping Xu, A Manivannan, G Daniels, J Liversidge, PF Sharp, JV Forrester, IJ Crane




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

Evasion of Innate Host Defense by Bacterial Pathogens

 Frank Deleo, Ph.D., NIAID

 December 09, 2005



 50 Most Recent VideoCasts

Evidence-Based Education: Preventing Reading Failure in America

 G. Reid Lyon, Ph.D., National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

 October 19, 2004



 Medicine for the Public

Excision of Left Atrial Myxoma

 A. Sampath Kumar, MD




 Videos organized chronologically

Excision of subcutaneous Dirofilariasis of the eyelid

 D Mallick and TP Ittyerah




 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

Exercise and Women's Health: Basic and Clinical Applications

 Patricia A. Deuster, Ph.D., M.P.H.

 December 17, 2004



 Women's Health

Experimental Gerontology: Interventions in Aging

 George Roth, PhD., Mark Lane, PhD. and Huber Warner, PhD.

 July 13, 2001




Experimenting on Laboratory Colleagues: Is It a Good Idea?

 Robert J. Levine, M.D., Yale University

 November 06, 2002



 Clinical Center Grand Rounds

Exploring Cellular and Molecular Aspects of Fanconi Anemia from a Cytogenetic Perspective

 Dr. Susan Olson, Oregon Health Sciences University

 November 16, 2004



 DNA Repair

Extended Lateral Transsylvian Approach for Basilar Bifurcation Aneurysms

 Bernard R. Bendok, M.D.; Christopher C. Getch, M.D.; Richard Parkinson, M.D.; Brian A. O'Shaughnessy, M.D.; H. Hunt Batjer, M.D.

 Vol. 55, Issue 1, page 174




Extracranial Radiosurgery: New Hope for Cancer Patients

 Piedmont Hospital




 Videos of Surgical Procedures

Extramural Research Facilities Construction Projects Workshop

 Conference Management, National Library of Medicine

 July 16, 2001




Extrapericardial pneumonectomy

 Jeroen Hendriks, Patrick Lauwers and Paul Van Schil




 Content Videosº¸±â

Extrapleural pneumonectomy for malignant pleural mesothelioma

 Luis M. Argote-Greene, Michael Y. Chang and David J. Sugarbaker




 Content Videosº¸±â


 Sponsored by the National Institute of Dental & Craniofacial Research

 October 18, 1999




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